By: Desirae Hutchison
You either know the local school by the EB Star or the Bomber Plane by themselves. In the future however, Edon Northwest may be recognized by the combination of the two iconic logos. Superintendent Anthony Stevens posted a poll on a social media platform asking for the opinion of the community on three different designs for the school’s possible logo.
The school board and school officials are taking the process slowly and trying to get everyone’s input on the matter. The opportunity was graciously offered by VIP Branding and BSN Sports.
Even though the designs may look new, Superintendent Stevens makes it clear that the school is still trying to hold onto the back story of the logo and take everyone’s opinions into consideration, good and bad. Keeping the school’s traditions are very important during this process.
Having the communities feedback plays a key role as well. Superintendent Stevens suggests contacting him if anyone have any questions or concerns, he will gladly answer any and all questions.
The time frame of the new logo is still uncertain. The next steps are to take the feedback from the first poll and tweak the logos to better fit the communities wishes. Some changes have already taken place since the polls, such as the lengthening of the plane tail in logo option number one. A simpler font has been suggested frequently as well.
The first poll had a total of 105 votes, a huge turnout according to Superintendent Stevens. 53% of the votes showed a likening to logo option number one. The hope is to gain even more feedback on the second poll soon.
The draw to go with the offer of a new logo was mainly due to the schools need for a proper digital image. As of right now, anyone can go and create their own for personal needs. Some of the homemade logos have been used in past years but school officials believe it will benefit the school and its students to have a professionally made logo.
Superintendent Stevens stated, “If it can create a sense of unity, a sense of us, then I think it is worth it.”
Desirae may be reached at