CAN DRIVE … Hilltop students work to collect and go through donations that were collected for the FFA Can Drive. All items collected were given to the Hilltop Food Pantry to help support members in the community. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
For two weeks, the Hilltop FFA hosted a can drive to collect food for the Hilltop Food Pantry. A total of 4,530 items were collected during those two weeks from grades throughout the Elementary School and High School.
The Hilltop Elementary school brought in the most items at around 80%. First grade students won by far by bringing in over 1,400 items alone.
Students in the elementary school were competing to receive a reward that consisted of Doughbox doughnuts. Mrs. Smith’s Academy class came in first for the High School and received their reward which was Cookies on Demand cookies.
The can drive took place between December 8th and December 17th. This was done in order to help the food pantry replenish its supply for the Holiday Season, and the coming new year.
This goes along with the support the FFA already gives to the food pantry. Every two weeks, the FFA donates bread, milk and eggs to the pantry in order to try and help those in the community.
Katie Fry told The Village Reporter, “It is in the FFA’s organizational core to help out the community and give back to it. Our students are helped by the community, so it is a way that we can help and give back to them.”
The drive was started over 2 years ago and has continued to be a success. All items collected go to help support kids and families in the community.
Jacob can be reached at