In mid-November, the Evergreen FFA hosted its annual Greenhand Induction Night. This event is held to induct the first year FFA members into the chapter.
This year, the chapter inducted 48 first year members into the Evergreen FFA Chapter. The members had a variety of requirements to achieve the greenhand FFA degree.
The requirements included learning about the FFA state and national organizations, creating a supervised agricultural experience and completing a greenhand degree application.
While at the induction ceremony, members received their greenhand pin and FFA jacket. The greenhand degree is the first of several degrees FFA members can obtain throughout their time in the FFA organization.
The goal of many of the first-year members is to eventually obtain the American FFA degree, which is only awarded to one percent of all FFA members. The National FFA Organization has a membership of over 900,000 FFA members across the country.