By: Rex Stump
YouTube and social media outlets are known for having endless videos of people doing ridiculous things. How many times have you watched a video clip or reel and say, “That was ridiculous! I’d never do that!” What’s the most ridiculous thing you have even done for God?
In 1 Samuel 14, we read about King Saul’s son, Jonathan and his armor bearer. Outnumbered by the enemy, there is a stand still between the Israelites and the Philistine armies.
For some reason Jonathan feels led to sneak into the Philistine camp. Trusting God for victory and direction, Jonathan went into the enemy camp without the support of an army.
Think about this…just the two of them, without the support of an army, they climbed uphill, towards the enemy. It just seems ridiculous!
Verses 13-16, describe the two of them climbing uphill, using both hands and feet on the steep climb. Anyone who hikes understands the disadvantage and the difficult challenge to go upwards and defend yourself. It would be challenging to fight, having no leverage. But we read that in a short time the two of them defeated over 20 Philistines.
Right after this, God created an earthquake! He shook the area and created confusion! Those who once stood with God returned to fight for Him at that time! Some of the Hebrews who had been drafted into the Philistine army, along with some who were hiding in fear, came out to fight against the Philistines.
The courage, faith, and actions of Jonathan and his armor bearer created an atmosphere for others to return and fight!
Never underestimate your small steps, your acts of courage and faith. All it takes is one faithful servant of God to bring down an enemy army in this story.
All it takes is one faithful servant of God to help others who lacked faith returned! There are those who are questioning God, maybe they have backslidden in their faith, or are just a little fearful and they are watching you. Could it be that your act courage and faith will help them return to a stronger faith?
Some may think what you are doing for God is ridiculous. So, what. Remember the words of the Apostle Paul, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” (Colossians 3:23, ESV). Whatever we do…it’s for God, not mankind!
Lead others in prayer, start or attend a Bible study, get back to church, or simply do the right thing that shows you have faith in God! Trust God! The spiritual battle is never easy…but our God is able to give us victory!
Rex Stump is the Area Director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and serves as a Pastor at True North Church in Wauseon, Ohio.