By: Cheryl Garza
Bryan, Ohio
From the beginning of human history, music has served as a tool for expressing our hopes, desires, and pains, for celebrating our triumphs and mourning our losses.
Instinctively, we have long understood that music can alter our emotions as well, helping us shake off our darker moods and open the door to peace.
During the years, research has confirmed over and over again what we’ve always known intuitively: Music can literally help us release our fear, anger, and confusion and rebalance our minds and bodies.
When we feel refreshed and invigorated, the power of health and light begins to radiate from ourselves to the world around us. That inner glow shines through every cell in the body.
The energy of sound moving through the air affects our bodies and minds in ways we may scarcely notice, or perhaps simply disregard.
Music, a universal language as ancient as time itself, can be used in more diverse and practical ways than we usually acknowledge. Music, much like food, has nutritional value for our minds and bodies.
At times it may be too loud or too heavy for healthy listening, at the same time sounds may energize us in a very positive way on occasions.
In today’s fast paced world, stress can be one of the most deliberating factors affecting our health. That’s why I learned to relax in order to alleviate that stress is crucial to our long-term well-being. Music’s power.
It’s amazing that in just a few minutes, music trigger responses in your heartbeat, emotions, and attentiveness. Almost instantly, you can be activated, awakened, and feel like dancing. More than entertainment or just great art, music is a source of physical energy capable of influencing every single cell in your body.
It releases chemical responses in the brain that affect the way you feel. Chronic noise and dissonant sounds can create patterns of stress that build up over the years. Increasingly, however music therapy, music psychology, are being used to integrate positive sound into our daily lives.
Numerous clinical and long-term studies indicate that clear, orderly music that isn’t overstimulating can make a dynamic contribution to your overall health and wellness. You can begin to explore this world of beauty and stress relief by listening to harmonious music.
By learning to consciously listen to and use music, your daily practice of centering, balancing, and relaxation becomes your own art form. My hopes are that we can all awaken the music that plays within our own hearts itself.
We are all really just seeking wholeness and connection to the Earth and to oneself and each other. God, Guadalupe, Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Intelligence.
My greatest hopes and prayers are that we can all share and encourage each other to live a happier, healthier, vibrant life. We are all really just seeking wholeness and connection to the Earth and to oneself into each other.
Cheryl L Garza A Lady With Alot Of Zeal and yearning to empower, guide, encourage and share all HOLISTIC Wholesome Living with youth-adults. Highly educated, extremely passionate, determined and driven with no doubts… I choose to make the rest of my life the BEST of my Life, I wish that for all as well… Sharing Love & Kindness… 567-239-1960