By: Cheryl Garza
Bryan, Ohio
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control And Prevention, before the pandemic even started, depression and anxiety were on the rise in children aged 6 to 17, research has shown that social isolation can make symptoms worse.
Since March 2020, many children have been thrown after regular routines, schedules, eating habits, and sleeping patterns, which can bring on quite a bit of stress and anxiety, and this has been observed worldwide and studies and children.
The after effects of remote learning, isolation, social distancing, and loss of sports and activities are lingering. Coping through this continued uncertainty and keeping their spirits up is challenging, and we parents and caregivers should and need to help them incorporate positive lifestyle changes and nourish their mental health through nutritious foods, supplement support, and stress management techniques.
Studies have shown and found that a healthy diet of vegetables, fruit, meat, fish and whole grains was associated with lower odds of major depression and anxiety disorders.
So keeping your nutritious options readily available for children is key. Studies have shown and found that a healthy diet of vegetables, fruit, meat, fish and whole grains was associated with lower odds of major depression and anxiety disorders.
Booster mode with the right nutrition! Balance nutrition and regular physical activity have been documented and research to assist with healthy moods, stress reduction, immunity, weight maintenance, and more.
However, when we are depressed, we typically don’t choose healthy foods to replenish what our body needs and instead had for sugary, salty, and fast foods for comfort.
Stress, anxiety, and depression can affect us in many ways, including our concentration, sleep, weight, immunity, and hormonal balance.Prolong stress heavily affects micro nutrient concentrations in the body and the brain.
Youth may need to supplement with additional vitamins and minerals beyond a high-quality well absorbed multivitamin.
Specific nutrients that can assist further with overall mental well-being can be layered in as needed. Several studies point to Omega-3s for healthy cognition and relief of anxiety and depressive disorders.
These essential fats have been shown to help produce dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation. Foods like leafy greens, walnuts, Chia seeds and flaxseeds are great sources.
Probiotics are microflora that work to maintain homeostasis inside our intestines. A whopping 95% of serotonin, which is our feel good hormone is produced in the gut food sources containing beneficial bacteria are cultured foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles and other pickled vegetables.
Simply adding a cup of high-quality yogurt to your child’s diet may help them get those beneficial bacteria.
When are children are nutritionally deprived they are not able to live their fullest, healthiest self mentally or physically. Even the small steps can lead to huge changes and empower are youth.
Starting a wellness journal is a great chance to document your daily intake of nutrients of nourishment as well as activity.
We are all really just seeking wholeness and connection to the Earth and to oneself and each other. God, Guadalupe, Angels, Spirit Guides, Divine Intelligence.
My greatest hopes and prayers are that we can all share an encourage each other to live a happier, healthier, vibrant life.
Cheryl L Garza A Lady With Alot Of Zeal and yearning to empower, guide, encourage and share all HOLISTIC Wholesome Living with youth-adults. Highly educated, extremely passionate, determined and driven with no doubts… I choose to make the rest of my life the BEST of my Life, I wish that for all as well… Sharing Love & Kindness… 567-239-1960