Members of the West Unity Village Council met Thursday, April 11 for their regular meeting. The only legislative matter brought before council was the third and final reading and approval of Resolution 04-2013-02, A Resolution Strongly Opposing the Passage of HB 5 by the Ohio General Assembly Which Proposes Uniformity Measures for Municipal Income tax in the Form of Unfunded Mandates and a Substantial Loss of Revenue. The resolution includes the Council’s strong opposition of the bill, which would make significant changes in municipal tax collection, and urges the Ohio House and Senate to address the concerns of municipalities opposing the bill. Fiscal Officer, Beth Rediger, will deliver a copy of the resolution to the Governor of Ohio, appropriate leaders of the General Assembly, and the legislators representing the citizens of the Village of West Unity.
For the most part the rest of the meeting consisted of business as usual with an emphasis on maintaining and improving the village.
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Village Administrator Ric Beals informed council that he met with WEDCO to go over Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) extensions and expirations and that all were continued with the exception of Apple Video, which expired at the end of 2012. Beals also informed council that, per Representative Latta’s request, he has submitted a letter to the Ohio Turnpike Commission to officially request an on/off ramp at State Route 127. The request comes after the suggestion was made at an earlier council meeting by council member Donovan Leu that West Unity would benefit from such a ramp and after Beals’ initial inquiries about the ramp.
As noted previously, curbside recycling around the village has begun. Those residents who are participating in the service will want to note that they can pay their Republic Services bill by dropping it off at the drop box, which will be located at the West Unity Library on the west door off of High Street.
Beals also reported that stump removal around the village is being done by Tim Fry of Montpelier and has begun. Town Hall has also recently seen improvements of a fresh paint job and a new floor covering.
Areas of concern include that a catch basin is needed on the northwest corner of N. Madison and E. North Street and that there has been continued vandalism at the new shelter house at Memorial Park.
Consideration of a security camera at the park is being made. In the mean time, anyone who knows anything about the vandalism should contact the Police Department.
Another area of concern rests with alley ways in need of stone and/or plowing in the winter. It is unclear whether the residents or the village is responsible for this upkeep and all council members expressed concern with upkeep as well as being fair to all residents whom use these alley ways. This concern is based on the fact that it would be very difficult for the Street Department to keep up with alley ways as well as the rest of the Village’s streets. At this time the issue is only a matter of discussion with no formal decisions being made.
The Park Committee also met prior to Thursday’s meeting and moved to have a fence around the old High School baseball diamond at the park installed. The diamond will now be used for Little League Baseball and the fence will conform to Little League standards. The motion was approved and Village Administrator Ric Beals will oversee the project.
Village Solicitor Ryan Thompson also addressed Council, letting them know that the property at307 E. Jackson Street has recently been declared by Beals, in his roles as Inspector, as “A public nuisance and unsafe”. Thompson will begin working to deal with that property. He is also currently working on the collection of delinquent taxes.