After the sole committee reports, Wauseon City Council approved the Park Board’s recommendation to continue and expand an asphalt paving project at Biddle Park in their April 17th meeting.
Councilor Scott Stiriz told council that after a seven cent per square yard increase from the previous year, the projected project cost to finish a scheduled cold asphalt paving process in sections of of the park is $41,500, including excavation, a $950 increase.
$50,000 was budgeted for sections of this year’s paving process, with other sections not scheduled until next year. However, next year’s project is expected to cost 10 cents more per square yard, costing the city another $1,000.
Stiriz suggested that another $7,800 is budgeted to continue the cold process on the additional sections this year to strategically save city money before next year’s inflation. The move will require approval of the city’s Finance Committee.
The move would pave the majority of parking at the park’s facilities, which will also see a new recreation department office trailer in the coming weeks. Councilor Shane Chamberlin has been a major proponent of the project.
“I would love to see that we could get them done. That would be great to have that up and running for midget football season this year, along with that open air pavilion,” he said.
The council also approved the board’s recommendation require a 21 year old age requirement to rent any of the shelter houses at the city’s parks.
Stiriz also reported that they have teamed up with the Tree Commission to place stakes around Homecoming Park to mark the placement of seven new trees to be planted.
In department reports, Police Chief Keith Torbet said registrations for Safety City are being accepted at a cost of $25 through May 12, and $30 thereafter. He also told council the next Coffee with a Cop event will be hled on April 29 from 10 AM to 12 PM at Bigby Coffee. A Drug Take BAck Day will take place the same day with Walmart, Rite Aid, and the police department serving as take back locations.
Dennis Richardson, Public Service Director, reported that an airport sewer contract with the county was slated to be voted on by the Fulton County Commissioners on Tuesday and the Revolving Loan Fund Committee would soon meet to discuss ADA ramps and planters as part of the city’s downtown revitalization projects.
During the first and third weeks of the month, the Public Works Department will collect brush from residences on the north side of the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks, and from residences on the south side of town the second and third weeks of the month, Richardson said.
Richardson also told council that the department will also begin interviews to fill the position of assistant recreation superintendent.
Law Director Tom McWatters told the council that Mayor Kathy Huner, Administrative Assistant Trudi Mahnke, and himself met with representatives from the Wood County Building Inspection Department to primarily discuss office hours and the accessibility of the office to city residents.
In new business, council members approved the mayor’s appointments of Pat Penrod and Dave Maxson for three-year terms to the Human Rights Board, Dr. Kenton Kamp to a five-year term to the Fulton County Board of Health, and Ivan Hite for a three-year term to the Pride Wauseon Preservation and Design Review Board. All terms began on January 1, 2017.
Huner read a letter from Fulton County Health Center CEO Patricia Finn commending the city’s police, fire, and street departments for their work to restore power, redirect traffic, and clean-up power line damage following March 8th high winds.
City Council also approved:
• The suspension of three readings and emergency passage of a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a mutual aid agreement with Wood County Commissioners for additional inspection services of residential buildings.
• The third reading of an ordinance banning smoking from public parks with the exception of parking lots.