The Archbold Village Council met in regular session on Monday, February 6, 2017. The group approved the following items presented by Mayor Jeff Fryman:
Minutes of the January 16, 2017, meeting with no questions.
•Bills and Payroll from 1/14/17 – 2/4/17, in the amount of $358,199.81
Village Administrator Donna Dettling presented the following resolutions which Council voted to suspend the reading rules and approve:
•#2017-11 – Accept Proposal for a 2017 Full Size ¾ ton Pick-up Truck for the Wastewater Treatment Department and Declaring an Emergency. Terry Hendricks Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram provided the low bid and was awarded the purchase. Below is the bid information for the Wastewater Vehicle purchase.
•Terry Henricks – $23,575.00
•Rich Ford – $26,933.00
•Christy Motors – $27,033.00
•#2017-12 – Accept Proposal from Jones & Henry to Complete a Comprehensive Water & Wastewater Rate Study and Declaring an Emergency. Cost of the study is $25,000. Dettling shared their proposal was by far the best received and met the Village’s criteria for submission.
•#2017-13 – Accept Change Order #2 for East Lugbill, Myers, and West Barre Road Curb Reconstruction and Street Improvements-Contract 20-2016 and Declaring an Emergency. Cost of the project was projected to be $395,616.95. A few Council Members shared they had received negative feedback from the community regarding the micro surfacing. The consensus was that more time was needed to make an accurate assessment of the effectiveness of the surfacing.
•#2017-14 – Accept Proposal for 2017 Ram 1500 SSV Crew 4×4 for the Police Department and Declaring an Emergency. Terry Hendricks Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram provided the low bid and was awarded the purchase.
•Terry Henricks 2017 RAM 1500 SSV Crew 4X4 – $29,300.00
•Rich Ford 2017 Ford F150 Super Crew 4X4 – $33,248.00
Prior to the vote, Council Member, Kevin Morton questioned why the police department needed a truck. Mayor Fryman stated the Pick-up Truck was necessary as the department often has to pick up evidence, as well as haul equipment. In the past the department has had to borrow a truck from the Street Department on a regular basis. He added the truck will include a cage like the cruisers to transport offenders.
Council was provided information on the Finance Committee meeting that was held on 2/1/17.
The following reports were provided to Council:
a. Zoning Permits for November/December 2016
b. Zoning Report for 2016
c. Zoning Permits for January 2017
d. Street Department Labor Report for January 2017
e. Police Department Calls for Service for January 2017
f. Income Tax Revenue for January 2017
In Correspondence Items a paper showing the Appointments and Committees for 2017 was provided to the Council Members.
Under Council comments or concerns, Councilman Vaughn Bentz questioned how every year the village receives their apportionment from the county sales tax and it is 17%. Bentz believes that the Village should be getting a larger share given the amount of sales made in the village, especially by its car dealerships as one village dealer claims he alone had $30 million in sales last year. Director of Finance, Kathy Rupp shared that this has been discussed and that it does indeed need reviewed. She added that this item will be brought up when their annual meeting with County Auditor, Brett Kolb, is held in August. She offered to contact his office sooner if Council wanted.
Council adjourned at 7:17 pm. Archbold Village Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting will be Monday, February 20, 2017, at 7 pm.
Kent Hutchison can be reached at