Nathan Keel, business teacher at the high school, provided a report on the $5,000 grant received from H&R Block.
The 12-week program focused around learning to manage personal finances. The students used a computer program to log into a practice site that included a bank account.
Students learned to pay bills, balance bank statements, and handle many other common financial transactions. The top 22 students in the nation had an opportunity to win a $25,000 scholarship.
Four County Career Center School Board Report
Mrs. Keeler reported:
•Enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year currently stands at 939 with 473 juniors and 466 seniors.
•The lunch expos will be starting soon where the Four County students and staff visit local schools to speak to eighth graders. A date will soon be set to visit Bryan students.
•Spangler Candy Co. has hired a senior student through Four County’s job placement program. The senior who is enrolled in the welding program at Four County is working in the maintenance department at Spangler.
The board accepted the following donations.
$360 worth of choral music from Dr. Brad Pierson and the University of Toledo to the Bryan City Schools Choir program.
$40 from Detray Chiropractic Center in Defiance to Bryan City Schools.
2003 Box Truck from Spangler Candy Company to the Bryan City Schools Music Program.
$4772.20 from the Class of 1964 for two flagpoles and flags along with American flags for the classrooms at the new 6-12 building
$125 from Bob Rowan for cost of Freedom Flag in the 6-12 building
$100 from American Legion Post 284 for classroom flags in the 6-12 building
Approval of Affiliation Agreement with BGSU for graduate students in Speech-Language Pathology:
Approval of Braden Hahn who has met all graduation requirements for Bryan City Schools and the State
of Ohio at this time.
Reduction in Force of Classified Staff for the 2016-2017 School Year:
Jennifer Andrews and Lydia Smith, educational aides.
Jennifer Balser, educational aide, effective Aug. 18.
Amy Brandt, lunchroom worker, effective Sept. 6.
Becky Livengood, lunchroom worker, effective Aug. 18.
Marvin Matthews, bus maintenance, effective Dec. 31.
Megan Lytle, academic league advisor
Hire Classified Personnel:
Jackie Curl, Bus Driver, 1.5 hours per day, 1-year experience, effective Sept. 13.
Sharon Jacobs, Bus Driver, 3.5 hours per day, 6 years’ experience, effective Sept. 13.
Joseph Robb, 3rd shift PK-5 Custodian, 8 hours per day, 0 years’ experience, effective Sept. 1.
One Year Limited Teaching Contract:
Laura Springer, Grade 5 Intervention, 10 years’ experience, MA+20 level on the A-1 salary schedule
Transfer Classified Personnel:
Amanda Blank to 6-12 Campus Server, 3.5 hours per day, effective Sept. 8.
Nancy Rusk to 2-5 Campus-PK-5 Dish Room, 3.5 hours per day, effective Sept. 8.
Kathy Frank to 1 on 1 Educational Aide, 7.0 hours per day, effective Sept. 13.
Dee Herman to 1 on 1 Educational Aide, 8.0 hours per day, effective Sept. 13.
Paula Memmer Crites to Educational Aide, 4.25 hours per day, effective Sept. 13.
Kathleen Ottenweller to Preschool 1 on 1 Aide, 4.75 hours per day, 4 days per week, effective Sept. 13.
Bridget Smith to Educational Aide, 2-5 Campus, 4 hours per day, effective Sept. 13.
Change in Classified Personnel Hours:
Shelley Duran, Educational Aide, to 6 hours per day, effective Sept. 13.
Robyn Horg, Educational Aide, to 7.75 hours per day, effective Sept. 13.
Extended Day Contract for the 2016-2017 School Year:
Hannah Renollet – 10 days
Salary Schedule Placement:
Colleen Goehler to MA+20 level on salary schedule A-1
Joyce Golz to MA+20 level on salary schedule A-1
Kris Hall to MA+10 level on salary schedule A
Brooke Inselmann to MA level on salary schedule A-1
Mentor Teacher:
Lisa Heslop – HS Spanish
Nikki Malanga – Fountain City
Jamie Morris – Fountain City
Supplemental Contract:
Megan Lytle – Co-Academic League Advisor
Lisa Heslop – Co-Academic League Advisor
Lisa Heslop – Jr High Quiz Bowl Advisor
Teacher – Amy Azzarello, Jennifer Bergman, Joy Chase, Jon Ely, Amanda Kunz, Mary Segur, Vicki McBride,Vicki Rathbun, Emily Starnes, Alexandra Will, Tim Bowers,
Classified – Jennifer Andrews, Teresa Gambler, Lydia Smith, Earl Snyder, Jackie Wilson, Ashley McCandless

Upcoming Meeting Dates:
Board of Education Regular Meeting – 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17, Field House Conference Room.