Dr. Jerry Bergman
Montpelier, Ohio
I have always enjoyed reading biographies. I read one recently that was not about a president or a famous scientist, but one who walked in my shoes and that of millions of other men and women. His name is Doctor Stephen T. Blume. Rather than me telling his story I will let him tell it.
When I was in fifth grade, I became fascinated with science, the origins of life and the universe. Not surprisingly, I wanted to become a nuclear physicist. A few years later, when traveling down the sidewalk in my skateboard, I hit a crack in the sidewalk.
The crack stopped the skateboard, but I kept going, crashing face-first on the sidewalk taking chunks out of my two front teeth. At the dentist’s office, after watching him making bridges and crowns, I was amazed. I now wanted to become a dentist.
I worked hard in school studying all the biology offered at my school and eventually became an undergraduate at the University of Southern California majoring in biology. My father was a creationist and gave me a few lessons about the facts behind this worldview, which I accepted.
On the first day of my college anthropology class, the professor asked the students who believed that Adam and Eve were the first humans to raise their hands. I proudly raised my hand, as did a few others.
We then were treated to an intense lecture on the evidence for evolution, such as how similar we humans were to apes. He also used the famous progression chart to show the evolution from ape to modern man. After several classes, he asked the same question again, namely who still believed that Adam and Eve were the first humans.
Not one student, including me, raised our hand. Soon after his class, I became a staunch committed evolutionist holding that view after I graduated from college and dental school.
I married and became a father, still a committed evolutionist and a Darwin supporter. How could I doubt the overwhelming evidence for evolution? As a dentist, I saw the clear similarity of our teeth with those in the mouths of apes.
A Visit to a Museum
While visiting my son Doug, who was studying medicine at the University of Chicago Medical School, I had some time to visit the famous Field Museum. I was excited because I was looking for evidence of evolution in the exhibits at one of the leading museums in the world for displaying the latest evidence for evolution.
Their fossil collection was unsurpassed, so I enjoyed looking at the scores of specimens that were hundreds of millions of years old. I soon noted the exhibits showed very little evidence of any change after many supposed millions of years.
Scores of trilobite exhibits were on display. The oldest they claimed were about 550 million years old; the youngest about 250 million years old. They were almost identical, showing no change in over 300 million years! I then looked at sea horse fossils that also showed little evidence of change in presumably tens of millions of years. Crocodiles identical to those today have lived on this planet, say the evolutionists, for over 100 million years.
Cockroaches in amber (fossilized tree sap) showed almost no change in 280 million years, and this was also true of the horseshoe crabs. The Coelacanth fish first appeared 410 million years ago in the fossil record and the living ones that were discovered in the Indian Ocean a few years ago were identical to fossil Coelacanths.
I found the same thing was true with sharks, turtles, tortoises, tuataras, tarsiers, beavers, opossums, okapis, sea shield creatures, and horseshoe crabs. The museum’s enormous collection of insects in amber included beetles, bees, flies, mosquitos, butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, and almost every insect type that I was aware of.
As the experts concluded, all of them were identical to those existing today. The same was true of plants. A leaf of a ginkgo tree at the Field Museum dated 400 million years old was identical to one in my backyard.
Frustrated looking for evidence for evolutionism, I asked the staff for some examples. I was shown the fossil horse series, which to me looked like the early horses were only small horses very much like those existing today.
I remembered the horse example was the one used in college. I was also shown whales, which I later learned were only superficially similar to whale-like animals that were lined up to look like early whales but were not whales.
No evidence was given supporting the claim that their ancestors were actually on the way to evolving into whales. Lastly, was the evolution of man which, after much study, I realized were all cases of very questionable fossil fragments.
In the end, I was unable to find a single example of the evolutionary progression of the thousands of examples of animal evolution that should exist, given that there exist millions of animal species.
I also researched the other claimed evidence for evolution, finally concluding that all of the evolutionary claims were without scientific foundation.
I soon realized that I was misled about evolution for most of my life and have since written three books documenting my journey from an avid evolution supporter to an avid evolution refuter. The titles of my books documenting my findings are Evo-Illusion, The DNA Delusion, and Evo-illusion of Man.
I (Jerry Bergman) have read the Evo-Illusion book and am working on the DNA Delusion. Both are excellent, hard-hitting, very readable well-documented books supporting Doctor Blume’s conclusions. He shows that the evidence against molecules to humankind evolution is absolutely overwhelming.
Dr. Jerry Bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology for over 40 years at several colleges and universities including Bowling Green State University, Medical College of Ohio where he was a research associate in experimental pathology, and The University of Toledo. He is a graduate of the Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit, the University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University. He has over 1,800 publications in 12 languages and 60 books and monographs. His books and textbooks that include chapters that he authored are in over 1,500 college libraries in 27 countries.