By: Cheryl Garza
Bryan, Ohio
We are all Perfectly IMPERFECT. When we recognize this and work prayers, thoughts with our DIVINE team of God, higher loving power, angels, guides, and our intuition we can live more harmonious and aware.
As well as Mother Earth and all living beings. The power that the creator created lies within us. We are divine beings, spiritual beings having a human experience.
We are open channels that allow the divine intelligence of the universe to flow through us and the creativity of the universe flows and expresses through us.
If we make conscious choices to recognize this we can move forward and live our highest self, our best self through awareness of the divine that’s within us the power that guides us.
Channeling is a spiritual practice of receiving or transmitting information from non-physical sources, such as spirits, guides, or higher realms.
Channeling is a part of who we are as human beings, it’s actually a very natural process inherit to your mind anyone can channel and does the only thing you must learn is to be present and listen and slow down.
Channeling is connecting to your higher self, your inner wisdom, this is where clarity lies, and creativity is abundant. When your inner connection with your best version of yourself, you’ll enjoy more mental clarity which comes with a wealth of benefits in and of itself.
A strong bond with your cosmic keeps you focused on what’s important– your higher self doesn’t wallow in the past or fret about the future it simply exists.
Taking time for yourself each day to create a practice or ritual of wellness that suits you best brings you close or closest to your perfect divine self.
Cherish this time and see how your inner world starts to grow and open up to endless possibilities… ” What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”- Ralph Waldo Emerson .
” Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” – Marianne Williamson.
Please understand when I share and write this valuable information I am learning, growing and expanding my own awakening, light and knowledge to expand within…. I pray that for all of you as well–be kind to yourself.
We are all really just seeking wholeness and connection to the Earth and to oneself and each other. My greatest hopes and prayers are that we can all share and encourage each other to live a happier, healthier, vibrant life. ***PERFECT “10” REALLY DOES LIE WITHIN US ALL”***
Cheryl L Garza A Lady With Alot Of Zeal and yearning to empower, guide, encourage and share all HOLISTIC Wholesome Living with youth-adults. Highly educated, extremely passionate, determined and driven with no doubts… I choose to make the rest of my life the BEST of my Life, I wish that for all as well… Sharing Love & Kindness… 567-239-1960