GYM FLOOR WORK … Edon School’s Board of Education had the opportunity to see the school’s refinished gym floor after their meeting on Monday evening. The gym floor was sanded down and refinished by the maintenance department over the past few weeks.
By: Jenna Frisby
The Edon Board of Education held their monthly meeting on Monday, July 15th. Located inside the school’s John and Marilyn Toner Media Center, the meeting was called to order at 5:30pm by board president Cody Best.
The meeting began with the pledge of allegiance. Treasurer Deb Nester then took roll call. In attendance were board members: President Cody Best, Vice President Jamie Schaffter, Patty Eicher, Ashley Reed, and David Wehrle, Superintendent Anthony Stevens, Treasurer Deb Nester and new Edon school teachers Clayton Lutz and Kailee Mitchell.
Schaffter then made a motion, which was seconded by Reed and passed by council with a 5-0 vote, to approve the following agenda items: The minutes from their Monday, June 24, 2024 meeting; the Financial Reports for June 2024; the Amended Certificate Request from the County Auditor; the Certificate of the Total Amount from All Sources Available for Expenditures for FY25 and 412 Certificate.
The following Donation: Parent’s Club $278.30 for School Supplies; the June NWOESC Paraprofessional and Teacher substitute lists as presented; the list of credentialed evaluations for the 24-25 school year.
The board then heard a report from the Superintend which updated the board on several projects that have taken place.
The first of those projects being the vestibule work that was done adding a special entrance to the school where visitors will have to go through in order to enter the school. This is a secured space which will give a greater safety aspect to everyone at the school.
The next item Superintendent Stevens brought to the boards attention was the work done on the gym floor. After years of coat after coat being placed on top of the floor the maintenance team did a complete floor strip down and refinishing themselves.
This entailed the maintenance team doing three different landings on the floor and then refinishing the floor with four courses of finish. Stevens encouraged the board members to take a look at the new finished gym floor on their way out after their meeting.
Stevens then brought up the work to be done on the Bus Barn project. He recently received a final quote of $25,000 for the project, which was higher than the original estimate that he had presented the board with, so he just wanted to ensure that the project was still ok to pursue.
With this being a one-time project, all board members were in agreement that it was ok to pursue.
There is no set timeline for when this project will be done as it will really be weather dependent on when it could be completed.
Stevens then briefly mentioned that they recently received back the nutritional inspection results from the health department. The kitchen and staff passed and had all positive feedback from the health department.
The M&M Asphalt project that was completed two years ago on the parking lot had unfortunately began to chip and have cracks in it and wasn’t holding up like it was initially believed that it would.
After a conversation with Steve Moore out at M&M Asphalt, Moore informed Stevens that he would come back out and respray, process, and re-stripe the entire parking lot at no cost to the school. The project is expected to be completed within the next few days.
The last thing Stevens brought up was in regard to the yearly bus inspection. All buses passed the inspection their first time through which was expected. With the exception of bus 7 and bus 31. Bus 7 is set to be scrapped at this time. Bus 31 has the potential to become a LifeWise Academy bus.
Stevens informed the board that he had a meeting coming up in the beginning of August on that direction and would know more at the next board meeting.

Under old business, Stevens mentioned before the board the information that an MOU (Memorandum of Use) would be read at the city council meeting later in the evening in regard to Edon Schools getting an SRO (School Resource Officer). This would be the council’s first reading and Stevens was hopeful for an update from them on any decisions to be made.
With no new business to discuss the board then entered an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel and employment. Executive session was entered into at 5:44pm and the board exited executive session at 6:09pm.
Upon exiting their executive session the board approved the following agenda items:
– Approve the list of 24-25 substitute bus/van drivers. (Motioned by Reed/Seconded by Eicher) Approve the following handbooks for the 24-25 school year: Classified Employee Handbook, Coaches’ Handbook, Band Handbook. (Motioned by Eicher/Seconded by Wehrle).
– Approve the following student fees for the 24-25 school year. (Motioned by Reed/Seconded by Schaffter)
– Recommendation to approve 24-25 Sports Pass and Athletic Ticket Prices. (Motioned by Schaffter/Seconded by Eicher).
– Recommendation to approve 24-25 Athletic Pass Resolution. (Motioned by Reed/Seconded by Eicher)
Increase Petty Checking Account $4,000 for the 24-25 school year. (Motioned by Schaffter/Seconded by Wehrle)
– Recommendation to increase substitute teacher pay to $110 per day effective for the 24-25 school year. (Motioned by Reed/Seconded by Eicher).
– Recommendation to approve a one-year teaching contract for Clayton Lutz, BA Step 9, for the 24-25 school year. (Motioned by Schaffter/Seconded by Eicher, Wehrle Opposed)
– Recommendation to approve a one-year teaching contract for Kailee Mitchell, BA Step 2, for the 24-25 school year. (Motioned by Reed/Seconded by Schaffter).
– Recommendation to approve supplemental contracts for the 24-25 school year. (Motioned by Reed/Seconded by Eicher).
– Approve an administrative contract for Jen Ripke as elementary principal, August 1, 2024—July 31, 2030. (Motioned by Schaffter/Seconded by Reed).
– Approve an administrative contract for Kayla Lapham as junior high/high school principal, August 1, 2025—July 31, 2030. (Motioned by Eicher/Seconded by Wehrle).
– Approve contracts for Deb Nester, treasurer, effective August 1, 2025—July 31, 2030. (Motioned by Reed/Seconded by Eicher).
– Approve contract for Anthony Stevens, Superintendent, effective August 1, 2025—July 31, 2030. (Motioned by Schaffter/Seconded by Reed).
– Approve a request to establish an Ecology Club for 24-25 school year (proposal attached). Wehrle motioned for this item to be tabled until further discussion could be had. Reed seconded.
With no other items to be presented or discussed before the board a motion to adjourn the meeting was established by Schaffter at 6:23pm and seconded by Reed.
The Edon Board of Education will meet for their next regular scheduled meeting on Monday, August 5th, 2024 in their John and Marilyn Toner Media Center at 5:30pm.