RESOLUTIONS … Williams County Commissioners’ Clerk Anne Retcher read through a small number of resolutions for passage by Commissioners Lew Hilkert, Bart Westfall and Terry Rummel at the January 12, 2023 meeting. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Williams County Commissioners began Thursday, January 12, 2023 with an 8 a.m. executive session for security matters with IT Director Jeremy Suffel and Mike Levy, followed by their general session.
In general session, the following were approved:
-Resolution 34: Supplemental appropriations.
-Resolution 35: Entering into a maintenance and purchase agreement between Williams County JFS and Perry Pro Tech for maintenance and purchase of a new CPS copier. Amount payable is $7,369.77 purchase price, black copies .009 per page/mo., color copies .005 per page/mo. For September 13, 2022 and good for 60 months.
-Resolution 36: Entering into IV-E contract between Williams County JFS and OhioGuidestone for Title IV-E Agencies and providers for the provision of child placement; maximum amount payable $10,000.
-Resolution 37: Entering into IV-E contract between Williams County JFS and Safe Alternatives for Families and Youth of Ohio, Inc. (SAFY) for provision of child placement; maximum amount payable $30,000.
-Resolution 38: Contract extension/consulting agreement between Williams County Board of Commissioners and Interconnections Consulting LLC for the purpose of analyzing Williams County JFS current operations and procedures at a cost not to exceed $13,500 through December 2022, extended through June 30, 2023 at no additional cost.
-Also signed: 2022 Microfilm Board activity; dog warden report for week of January 2-8, 2023; amended official certificate of estimated resources from auditor and treasurer; credit card approval from engineer for January 2023; certificate of auditor that they do not exceed their initial resources; letter from Brent Wilson regarding operating funds of airport.
-Minutes of previous meeting and payment of bills.
Commissioner Terry Rummel updated the others on information from a meeting with Juvenile Detention.
In 2022 the collected rents went up from 2021 and are beginning to run better for bed rental.
He also stated that they will be interviewing for the new superintendent as Melissa Garza will be moving to support staff in the office.
The Ohio Turnpike Commission contacted Rummel and let him know to alert the public that the bridge on the interstate that was damaged recently by a semi getting stuck and having a fire will be repaired soon, but it will be at least 30 days that the stoplight will be there on State Route 15.

Commissioner Bart Westfall shared that he had met with the data board and they have determined there is a need to get greater continuity in a number of areas.
They will be working on that and he feels it will help with future issues as well. With no further business, they went into recess.
Later that day, the commissioners and clerk met for a review of the 4th floor of the courthouse as well as with Vickie Grimm and Parker Houk for a year end financial review at the auditor’s office.
Rebecca Miller may be reached at