By: Rebecca Miller
Regular session of the Williams County Commissioners Zoom meeting held on May 14, 2020 started at 9:22 with the commissioners heading right into resolution approvals:
- Resolution 160 – Supplemental Appropriations on behalf of Airport in the amount of $47,726.13; Commissioners for $19,393.41; Engineer’s Office for $28,653.00; Job and Family Services for $32,281.28; Juvenile Court for $4,796.42; and Veteran Services for $4000
- Resolution 161 – Authorizing and Directing the president of the Board of Commissioners to submit a Community Housing Impact and Preservation program grant application to Ohio Development Services Agency
- Also signed: Dog Warden Weekly Report for week of May 4-10, 2020; Special Hauling Permits #20-010 for Stark Trucking Company, #20-011 for Michael Wyse, d/b/a Wyse Crane Service, #20-014 for Kenn-Feld Group,LLC; OnBase Service Maintenance Breakdown; Vacation request for Jim Hicks, Vacation request for Fred Lord; Comp time request for Gavino Rios; and letter of Resignation from Larry Davis.
- Minutes for May 7, 2020 and bills as submitted by the auditor
They stood in recess from 9:30-10:02 when they went into Executive Session, to discuss Employment and Compensation of Personnel. At 10:31 they came out, with no action taken, and went into a second Executive Session, asking Tom Kochert to go with them, for the discussion of Employment of Personnel. The second Executive Session ended at 11:11 also with no action taken.
In other business they approved:
- Resolution 162 – H2Ohio Standard Grant Agreement for Kunkle Sanitary Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Project.
- Resolution 163 – Approving inspection agreement on behalf of Hillside Country Living
Before adjourning there was a short discussion about the legal points of when paperwork gets signed, with agreement that it just matters that they sign everything that has been approved. There had been some confusion with the new way of meeting and how to get things signed, but they are on track.
Rebecca can be reached at