•400 E. Lugbill Rd., 911 Hang Up
•2001 S. Defiance St. Unit 18, Fraud
•701 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 803, Larceny
•200-B Sylvanus St., Parking Violations
•1000-B Olds Ln., Suspicious Vehicle
•200 Lafayette St. Unit 000, Suspicious Vehicle
•701 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 401, Suspicious Activity
•700-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Detail
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Detail
•1911 S. Defiance St., Vandalism
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Citation
•100-B Schlatter St., Parking Violations
•100 Rosewood Ct., Suspicious Activity
•208 Sylvanus St., Fire Alarm
•205 Park St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•701 E. Lutz Rd., Unit 703, Community Service
•2001 S. Defiance St. Unit 123, Loud Noise
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•400-B Vine St., Suspicious Person
•100-B W. Mechanic St., Parking Violations
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•Franklin St. @ Park St., Neighborhood Trouble
•600 N. Defiance St., Threats or Harassment
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•700-B Stryker St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•116 Grassy Ln., Unlock Vehicle
•306 Franklin St., Neighborhood Trouble
•2001 S. Defiance St. Unit 29, Animal Call
•405 S. Lincoln St., Suspicious Activity
•407 S. Pleasant St., 911 Hang Up
•700 North St. Unit 000, Parking Violations
•701-5 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 000, Traffic Offense
•504 Brussell St., Animal Call
•200-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Warning (3)
•300-B N. Clydes Way, Traffic Offense/Warning
•100-B S. Pleasant St., Welfare Check
•100-B W. Holland St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•405 E. Lutz Rd., Telephone Complaints
•E. Beech St. @ West St., Traffic Detail
•N. Clydes Way @ E. Lutz Rd., Traffic Detail
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•815 E. Lutz Rd., Animal Call
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•200-B W. Holland St., Traffic Detail
•Franklin St. @ Park St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•600-B S. Clydes Way, Traffic Detail
•22611 SR 2, Suspicious Vehicle
•428 Park St., Loud Noise
•E. Beech St. @ West St., Traffic Detail
•Bryan Community Apartments. Assist civilian. Request officer assistance.
•Toy St/Wilson St. Traffic stop.
•Portland St/Park Lane. Suspicious auto.
•Center St/Portland St. Disturb the peace. Report of loud booming & bang noises in the area, possibly someone with fireworks.
•Union Place/Union St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; expired plates.
•Circle K. 911 hang-up.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank. Suspicious auto.
•Williams County Public Library. Warrant. Report taken.
•Union St/High St. Hazardous condition. Report of a smoking rag in the middle of the road.
•Circle K. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•Imagination Station. Assist civilian. Report of verbal argument.
•Imagination Station. Assist civilian. Citizens assistance.
•419 Fairview Dr. Assist civilian. Report taken.
•419 Fairview Dr. Assist civilian. Request officer assistance.
•117 E Hamilton St. Lockout.
•204 W Mulberry St. Assist other department. Defiance Police Department request contact be made; contact notice left.
•Testament Tattoo. Assist civilian. Request officer, report taken.
•310 E High St. Assist civilian. Report of loud bang; unable to locate.
•Maple St/Lynn St. Traffic stop. Investigative stop.
•Eagles Lodge. Assist civilian. Report of loud bang; unable to locate.
•1131 Bellaire Ave. Assist civilian. Request officer assistance; gave advice.
•Goodwill. Suspicious person. Advised person not to return without permission.
•Bryan Police Department. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Main St/High St. Animal call. Animal in roadway.
•400 E High St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; disobey traffic control device.
•506 S Williams St. 911 hang-up.
•Center St/Wilson St. Juvenile complaint. Report of juveniles in and around the roadway; unable to locate.
•Walnut St/High St. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•Grand Plaza Mexican Grill. Non-injury accident.
•1210 Townline Rd. Assist other department. Report of electrical pole on fire.
•1219 Townline Rd. Traffic stop. Disregard of safety.
•222 N Myers St. Assist civilian. Report taken.
•100 E Trevitt St. Traffic stop. John’s has possession of the vehicle.
•Family Video. Traffic stop. Warning issued; disobey traffic control device.
•207 E Perry St. 911 hang-up.
•209 E Perry St. Assist civilian. Request to speak to officer; gave advice.
•1106 Cardinal Dr. Lockout.
•716 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; gave advice.
•1607 E High St. Suspicious auto.
•Sanctuary of Williams County. Drunks. Report of intoxicated subject stumbling around.
•Circle K. Suspicious auto. Warning issued; auxiliary light.
•Wal-Mart. Forgery/fraud. Report of receiving several counterfeit $20 bills; report taken.
•876 E Trevitt St. Assist civilian Request to speak with officer.
•335 N Cherry St. Assist other department. Job and Family Services request assistance; report taken.
•Wal-Mart. Lockout.
•Bryan Main St. Assist civilian. Request officer; report taken.
•Walmart. Larceny. Report of theft; unable to locate.
•100 Avenue A block. Assist civilian. Report of a man and woman arguing outside.
•Meadow Creek Apartments. Assist civilian.
•340 E Bryan St. Juvenile complaint
•300 S Beech St block. Suspicious person Austin Oberlin was charged with possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia.
•700 S Lynn St alley. Juvenile complaint. Request to check on a juvenile in the alley; unable to locate.
•Townline Rd/Greystone Dr. Traffic stop. Warning issued; truck route.
•Phil’s One Stop. Larceny. Report theft of a gas can; report taken.
•McDonald’s. 911 hang-up.
•503 E Wilson St. Harassment. Report of harassment; report taken.
•632 S Cherry St. Neighbor trouble. Report of issues with the neighbors.
•321 N Cherry St. Lockout.
•632 S Cherry St. Disturb the peace. Report of neighbors fighting again.
•114 Elbar Dr. Suspicious person. Report of suspicious person.
•421 E Edgerton St. Family trouble.
•Mose Isaac Field House. Non-injury accident.
•St Patrick Church. Auto violation. Officer was out with a minibike.
•Underpass. Juvenile complaint. Report of juveniles running out into traffic; unable to locate.
•Meadow Creek Apartments. Assist civilian. Request well-being check.
•115 Elbar Dr. Doors open. Report of woman finding her doors open.
•500 W Bryan St block. Suspicious auto. Report of suspicious vehicle; unable to locate.
•421 E Edgerton St. Assist other department. Request well-being check.
•324 E Maple St. Assist civilian.
•708 N Cherry St. Suspicious person. Report of noise outside home; unable to locate.
•Wal-Mart. Lockout.
•Union St/High St. Hazardous condition. Disabled vehicle.
•State Bank & Trust Co. Forgery/fraud. Report of fraudulent check; report taken.
•303 N Walnut St. Assist civilian. Request well-being check; everything is ok.
•Bryan Community Apartments. Dog complaints. Report of 2 dogs running loose, chasing people.
•Main St/Foster St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
Wal-Mart. Juvenile complaint. Report of possible underage persons smoking and cussing.
•500 Avenue A block. Mischief. Report of portable toilet knocked over; report taken.
•Lynn St/Wilson St. Disturb the peace. Report of loud music; unable to locate.
•Chief Supermarket. Lockout.
•120 N Cherry St. Junk vehicles. Report taken.
•316 E Wilson St. Trash complaint. Report taken.
•John’s Towing & Repair. 911 Hang-up.
•100 Laurie Dr. Dog complaint. Report of a dog barking all morning; unable to locate.
•605 S Main St. Juvenile complaint. Report of juveniles in the roadway; report taken.
•233 S Allen St. 911 Hang-up.
Walgreens. Traffic stop. Warning issued; expired plates and cracked windshield.
•CHWC. Lockout.
•Union St/Titan Tire. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•1125 E Wilson St. Dog complaint. Report of dog barking.
Wal-Mart. Shoplifting. Report of shoplifting.
•128 N Myers St. Assist civilian. Report a moped is parked across her driveway.
•325 Center St. Indecent exposure/liberties. Report of indecent exposure.
•Main St/South St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Hamilton St/Walnut St. Traffic stop. Warning; littering.
•Meadow Creek Apartment. Natural death.
•Walgreens. Traffic stop. Warning issued; failure to yield right of way, obs plate.
•State Bank & Trust Co. Lockout.
•Walgreens. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; person is back with his mother.
•Maumee Valley Guidance Center. Juvenile complaint.
•Williams County Public Library. Assist civilian. Report of people in the dumpster in the alley; unable to locate.
•207 E Trevitt St. Warrant. Unable to locate.
•Trevitt St/Walnut St. Assist civilian. Gave advice.
•Trevitt St/Williams St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; advised for going through trash.
•707 S Beech St. Dog complaint. Report of loose dog; unable to locate.
•South St/Union St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•1400 S Main St block. Auto violation. Report of vehicle all over the roadway; unable to locate.
•400 W High St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; obstructive view.
•Wal-Mart. Shoplifting. Request officer; report taken.
•Cherry St/Perry St. Assist other department. Report of a small grass fire.
•200 E Trevitt St alley. Warrant. Unable to locate.
•324 E Maple St. Neighbor trouble. Report problems with neighbor; person left. Complainant was advised to call back if there are more issues.

•E. Airport Hwy., Fraud
•W. Airport Hwy., Accidental Alarm
•E. AirportHwy., Welfare Check
•Harrison St., Welfare Check
•N. Main St., Harassment
•Dodge St., Loud Music
•W. Airport Hwy., Open Door
• Airport @ SH 64, Injury Accident
•Crabtree Crt., Missing Person (Found)
•Dodge St., Assault
•Oak St., Trespassing
•W. Airport Hwy., Reckless Driving
•Walnut @ Dodge, Unruly Juveniles
•E. Airport Hwy., Suspicious Person
•Main @ Garfield, Damaged Street Sign
•E. Airport Hwy., 911 Hang Up
•Waterville Sw. Rd., Assist Rescue
•Dodge St., Civil Dispute
•Chestnut St., 911 Hang Up
•Chestnut St., Domestic Violence
•Alpine Dr., Suspicious Act
•Main St., RR Tracks Blocked
•W. Airport Hwy., Welfare Check
•Paigelynn St., Neighbor Dispute
•N. Main St., Theft (Recovered)
•Dodge St., Theft
•Brookside Dr., Trespassing Juveniles
•Chestnut St., Welfare Check
•Brookside Sr., Violation Protection Order
•Zeiter Way, Road Rage
•S. Munson Rd., Suspicious Vehicle
•E. Airport Hwy., Welfare Check
•SH 64 South, Private Prop. Accident
•N. Main St., Trespassing
•Lincoln St., Stolen Weapon
•N. Main St., Neighbor Dispute
•S. Main St., Assist Rescue
•W. Airport Hwy., Domestic Dispute
•Dodge St., Theft
•Chestnut @ S. Main, Disorderly Conduct
•E. Airport Hwy., Accidental Alarm

•N. Main St., Civil Dispute
•Woodside, Identity Fraud
•Airport @ Co. Rd. 1-3, Injury Crash
•Airport Hwy., Reckless Driving
•W. Airport Hwy., Dog Left In Car
S. Main St., Golf Cart On Roadway
•Airport @ S. Main, Accidental Alarm
•Pilliod Park, Suspicious Person
•E. Airport Hwy., Criminal Damage
•E. Airport Hwy., Attempted Scam
•S. Main St., Vehicle Hit Cable Wire
•Maddie St., Harassment
•S. Berkey Southern, Assist Deputy
•Co Rd. 4 @ Co. Rd. K, Assist Deputy
•Black Canyon Rd., Suspicious Person
•Krogers, Abandoned Vehicle
•Zeiter Way, Lost Dogs-Found
•Veronica Dr., Unlock Vehicle
•S. Munson Rd., 911 Hang Up
•Hallett @ Airport Hwy., Assist Rescue
•SH 64 @ Airport Hwy., Accidental Alarm
•Grove Ln., Unlock Vehicle
•Dodge St., Criminal Damage
•Valleywood Dr., Unauthorized Use
•Melody Ln., Assist Delta PD
•Peachtree Ln., 911 Hang Up
•Main @ Airport, Public Urination
•Dodge St., Criminal Mischief
•Church St., Neighbor Dispute
•Co. Rd. K, Assist Deputy

•Chestnut St., Suspicious Vehicle
•High School, Unlock Vehicle
•Brindley Rd., Assist Deputy
•Dodge St., Impaired Driver
•W. Airport Hwy., Citizen Assist
•Carriage Ln., Criminal Mischief
•W. Airport Hwy., Found Property
•N. Main St., 911 Hang Up
•E. Airport Hwy., Vehicle Escort
•Valleywood Dr., Harassment
•Maddie St., Assist Rescue
•Crabtree Crt., Missing Person-Found
•Black Canyon, Unruly Juveniles
•Maddie St., Parking Complaint
•Veronica St., Citizen Assist
•Crabtree Crt., Welfare Check
•S. Main St., Sexual Imposition
•S. Munson Rd., Assist Rescue
•W. Airport Hwy., Dispute
•Harrison St., Accidental Alarm
•S. Main St., Court Paper Service
•N. Main St., Unlock Vehicle
•Pennsylvania Ave., Fireworks
•Main St., Train Blocking Road
•E. Airport Hwy., Non-Injury Crash
•S. Main St., Peace Keep
•Marshall Dr., Welfare Check
•S. Main St., Trespassing
•Lincoln St., Assist Deputy-Warrant
•Main St., Runaway Juvenile
•Dodge St., Suspicious Act
•Airport @ Turtle Crk., Disabled Vehicle
•Juvenile Problem

•Well-Being Check
•Juvenile Problem
•Disorderly Conduct
•Lock Out
•Found Property
•Well-Being Check
•Unsecure Premises
•Theft (3)
•Property Damage
•Drug Complaint
•Suspicious Vehicle (2)
•Speed / Warning
•Speed / Citation
•911 Hang Up
•Unsecure Premises
•Agency Assist
•Marked Lanes / Warning
•Ordinance Violation
•Suspicious Person
The following individuals were sentenced in Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
•Jonathon Hageman, 32, of 106 Cass St., Apartment 1, Swanton, previously pleaded guilty to two counts of Theft and Trespass in a Habitation When A Person is Present or Likely to be Present. He stole two credit cards and he did by force, stealth, or deception, trespass in a permanent or temporary habitation when any person other than an accomplice of the offender was present or likely to be present.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Hageman to 3 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs, pay restitution costs of $325.50 to the victims, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, abide by an 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew, to be held at CCNO until a bed is available at the SEARCH Program, successfully complete the SEARCH Program and all recommended aftercare, successfully complete the Fulton County Drug Court, and serve 107 days in CCNO, with credit for days already served.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Hageman spending 180 days in CCNO for Theft, 16 months for Trespass, and 10 months in prison for Theft. Said sentences to be served concurrently with one another, for a total prison term of 16 months.
•Jonathan Boesger, 26, of Fayette, Ohio, previously pleaded guilty to Forgery. He forged his timecard while on community control. Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Boesger to 2 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs, pay a $1,250 fine, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, abide by an 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m curfew, serve 7 days in CCNO, complete all recommended treatment with the Veteran’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, attend at minimum of 2 AA/NA meetings per week.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Boesger spending 11 months in prison.
•Aubree Hite, 30, of Wauseon, Ohio, previously pleaded guilty to Possession of Cocaine. Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Ms. Hite to 2 years of community control and ordered her to pay prosecution costs, be held at CCNO until a bed is available at Serenity Haven, successfully complete Serenity Haven, and all recommended aftercare, successfully complete Fulton County Drug Court, and serve 27 days in CCNO with credit for time already served.
Failure to comply could result in Ms. Hite spending 11 months in prison.
•Larry Stevens, 42, of Lyons, Ohio, previously pleaded guilty to theft. He stole cash with the value being $1,000 or more, but less than $7,500. Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Stevens to 2 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs and court appointed attorney fees, write a letter of apology to the victim, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, abide by an 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m curfew, maintain a valid driver’s license, complete/obtain his GED, and pay restitution for the insurance deductible.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Stevens spending 11 months in prison.
•Cyleigh James, 21, of Fayette, Ohio, pled guilty to Aggravated Possession of Drugs. She possessed Methamphetamine. Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Ms. James to 2 years of community control and ordered her to pay prosecution costs and court appointed attorney fees, to be held at CCNO until a bed is available at Serenity Haven, successfully complete Serenity Haven, and all recommended aftercare, successfully complete Fulton County Drug Court Program.
Failure to comply could result in Ms. James spending 11 months in prison.
•Thomas Hollins, 57, of Delta, Ohio, previously pleaded guilty to Failure to Provide Notice of a Change of Address. He failed to provide notice of a change of address per the registration requirements as a tiered sex offender. Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Hollins to 2 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs, comply with every requirement of sex offender registration, serve 30 days at CCNO, and provide Adult Probation with his address and phone number prior to any supervision changes.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Hollins spending 18 months in prison.
•Ankney, Sully R (Bryan, OH) Possession. Fine: $150. Costs: $79. Drug paraphernalia. Fine: $150. Costs: $40.
•Burdine, Jacob D (Bryan, OH) Domestic violence. Fine: $350. Costs: $364. Jail time: 180 days with 180 days suspended. No future violations within next 5 years, no violent or threatening contact with victim, Hands Down domestic violence program, no alcohol or illegal drug use during period of probation, shall report to probation immediately after release. Domestic violence. Fine: $250. Costs: $124. Jail time: 30 days with 30 days suspended.
•Burdine, Jacob D (Bryan, OH) Violate temporary protection order. Fine: $300. Costs: $84. Jail time: 180 days.
•Divjak, Kristy (Montpelier, OH) Dog at large. Fine: $150. Costs: $79. Shall kennel dogs within 21 days and contact Williams County Dog Warden. Dog at large. Fine: $150. Costs: $40. Shall kennel dogs within 21 days, shall have no future violations within the next 2 years. Failure to file register. Fine: $150. Costs: $40. Shall have no future violations within the next 2 years. Failure to file register. Fine: $150. Costs: $40. Shall have no future violations within the next 2 years
•Johns, Cami M (Pioneer, OH) Failure to carry. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Jordan, Brandy J (Bryan, OH) Menacing. Fine: $250. Costs: $344.35. Jail time: 30 days with 15 days suspended. Defendant shall have no future violations within the next 3 years, defendant is not to have threatening or violent contact with victim.
•Jordan, Brandy J (Bryan, OH) Criminal trespass. Fine: $250. Costs: $123. Jail time: 30 days with 15 days suspended.
•Jordan, Brandy J (Bryan, OH) Obstruct official business. Fine: $300. Costs: $98. Jail time: 90 days with 90 days suspended. Shall have no future violations within the next 3 years.
•Lam, Nathan A (Pioneer, OH) Domestic violence. Fine: $350. Costs: $445. Jail time: 180 days with 180 days suspended. Must complete the Thinking for a Change program, not to have threatening or violent contact with victim, counseling at Shalom.
•Oberlin, Austin R (Bryan, OH) Drug paraphernalia. Fine: $150. Costs: $79. Possession. Fine: $150. Costs: $40.
•Stilson, Patrick (Bryan, OH) Littering. Fine: $200. Costs: $85.
•Stiltner, Caleb A (Bryan, OH) Disorderly conduct. Fine: $100. Costs: $79.
•Thompson, Miles (Bryan, OH) Obstruct official business. Costs: $90. Jail time: 90 days.
•Ankney, Sully R (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $45. Costs: $79.
•Black, Mackenzie N (Bryan, OH) No driver’s license. Fine: $150. Costs: $79.
•Boggs, Michelle M (West Unity, OH) Improper backing. Fine: $65. Costs: $85.
•Brandt, William J II (Bryan, OH) FRA suspension. Fine: $200. Costs: $79. Sound amplification. Fine: $75. Costs: $40.
•Eich, Sofia (West Unity, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Hibbard, Gwendolyn J (Stryker, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Koch, Douglas L (Wauseon, OH) Speed. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Lucas, Joseph R (Bryan, OH) Disregard of safety. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Marihugh, Alexis P (Montpelier, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Martini, Ryan V (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Meienburg, Brock H (Napoleon, OH) OVI. Fine: $750. Costs: $101. Jail time: 40 days with 30 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 6/13/2022, defendant must complete Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio, Inc. Program, shall have no future violations within the next 2 years.
•Munger, Alex J (Montpelier, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Rawlins, Caitlin M (Montpelier, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Seibert, Robert H (Bryan, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Sperling, Dalton R (Fayette, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Sprow, Gregory T (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $50. Costs: $85.
•Stanton, Cynthia K (Bryan, OH) Turn signal. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Thiel Maag, Tyler (Montpelier, OH) OVI. Fine: $300. Costs: $90. Jail time: 90 days with 87 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 1/20/2021, no future violations within next 2 years.
•Van Horn, Robert L III (Bryan, OH) 12-point suspension. Fine: $350. Costs: $124. Jail time: 90 days with 90 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 8/4/2020, no future violations within next 5 years. Lighted lights. Fine: $35. Costs: $40.
•Benner, Dakota R (Montpelier, OH) Failure to yield right of way. Fine: $37. Costs: $93.
•Black, Ronald A (Wauseon, OH) Open container. Fine: $150. Costs: $93.
•Bleikamp, Kellie L (Montpelier, OH) Speed. Fine: $47. Costs: $93.
•Gloor, Brandon A (Wauseon, OH) Speed. Fine: $47. Costs: $93.
•Keefer, Cade D (West Unity, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Linehan, Rosemary E (Wauseon, OH) Failure to yield right of way. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Riches, Randall L (Wauseon, OH) Failure to yield right of way. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Ruiz, D Nanette (Wauseon, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Sechler, Rita J (Edgerton, OH) Improper lane. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Bernholtz, Brian A (Delta, OH) Unauthorized use of property. Fine: $250. Costs: $75. No violations of law until 7/29/25, can be resent to 30 days jail, also not to enter any Kroger’s.
•Dickey, Victoria (Archbold, OH) Confine dangerous dog. Fine: $100. Costs: $83. Community control for 180 days; 30 days jail time reserved.
•Horst, Jenale M (Archbold, OH) Failure to confine. Fine: $50. Costs: $59.
•Krasula, Maggie (Wauseon, OH) Failure to confine. Fine: $25. Costs: $83. Failure to confine. Fine: $25. Costs: $59.
•Promedica Flower Hospital vs Arens, Stephanie (Swanton, OH) Judgement amount: $6,302.00.