HISTORIC REFLECTION … Charles E. Arnold Post No. 284 American Legion moved into its new Legion home on the northwest corner of Butler and Emmet streets in Bryan. Arnold Post No. 284, established in 1919, formerly met in a hall on the east side of the courthouse square. A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new structure on October 24, 1935. The Legion home was formally dedicated on January 10, 1937. In March 1954, the Bryan Times newspaper reported, “The American Legion hall has been changed in appearance greatly by covering the building with red brick. The build-ing, which was erected during the days of the WPA, was built with yellow brick, which were badly cracked, which resulted in the new construction.” In 2017, Arnold Post No. 284 relocated to the Veterans of Foreign Wars facility at the southeast corner of Walnut and Perry streets due to maintenance and funding issues with their Legion home. This circa mid-1950s vintage image of the Charles E. Arnold Post No. 284 American Legion facility is from the Wil-liam County Public Library Huffman Photographic Archives.