Imagine this scenario; You have someone special in your life that you really admire. They have always been kind and loving towards you, some-times they will show up in your life and give you something you don’t deserve, even gifts!
They are wise, always seem-ing to have the right words, giv-ing you great advice and direc-tion in life.
They are true friends who will be honest with you and confront you when you do something foolish. They are a great listener, and even a better encourager.
It seems like they know you better than you know yourself. Most importantly they not only tell you they love you, but they also show that love as well.
Now, imagine that you have invited that person to your house for supper. First, you would most likely get cleaned up and put on some clean clothes, especially if you had been working or working out covered in sweat and dirt.
You know they could walk into your house and be fine with the dust and clutter, but you decide to clean up around the house.
You know they would eat peanut butter and jelly, or whatever you have leftover in the fridge. But instead, you bake and arrange for a meal that was fit to eat around the dining room table.
Why would you do all this for that special person? Let’s remember how special they are to you, and how much they love you. Out of love and respect, we recognize how valuable they are, and how special they are.
So instead of giving that special person our leftover time, food, and love…we make the sacrifice to give them the best, just as they have given us their best.
Would you agree? If not, then you can stop reading… go have a nice day. If you do agree, then take another min-ute and ask yourself this ques-tion.
“If God is truly who He claims to be, and who I claim He is in my life, have I honestly shown Him love and respect?”
In the book of Malachi, the prophet revealed God’s disap-pointment with His people. They said they loved God, but they brought their leftovers to the Temple.
Romans 12:1 says that we are to be living sacrifices. That means my life which includes my time, my finances, my ener-gy goes to God. Not my leftover, but my best.
Keep in mind that we have been rescued from eter-nal death, by our faith in God through Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:1-3 says, “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God.
And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too. We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments. Lov-ing God means keeping his commandments, and his com-mandments are not burden-some.”
As a child of God, He de-serves my best, not my left-overs. Living out our faith re-quires sacrificial living, which means it may be hard at times. Sacrifices hurt, right?
But it’s worth it when you consider who it is that we are truly worshipping…our Lord God! “Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offer-ing and come into his presence. Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor.” 1 Chronicles 16:29
Rex Stump is the Area Direc-tor for the Fellowship of Chris-tian Athletes and serves as a Pastor at True North Church in Wauseon, Ohio.