POT GARDENING Pictured are speakers at the April meeting Peggy Miller Cathy Sharp and Barb Deetz
The Pulaski Garden Club meeting had 19 members present at Pulaski United Methodist Church. Members answered roll call with a new plant they would like to try this year.
Appreciation was made to Joyce Mocherman for her last meeting’s program “Care of Gardening Tools” several members found that sharpening pruners and shovels made garden work a lot easier.
Last month’s minutes were read by Secretary Connie Simmons and Treasurer Kay Beck updated finances.
President Regina Partee set a date to cleanup flower beds at the Fair grounds, and club voted to provide flowers to plant around the Bell Tower. It was noted that the Daffodils are a good show at this time. Club members met at the fairgrounds on March 29th at 1:00 p.m. to spring clean beds. The door prize provided by Joyce Paepke was won by Becky Hill.
JoAnn Beucler shared coupons for “Garden Gate” magazine. And Joyce Mocherman brought a huge selection of gardening magazines to share.
Barb Deetz and JoAnn Beucler were asked about their Junior Garden Club. The club meets during June & July, every Thursday. For more information contact Barb at 419-551-5738.
Deetz brought our arrangement titled “Pot It Up”. She noted that she started with a traditional design including daffodils and snake plant and greenery. By rearranging the flowers, she was able to present a creative arrangement, mostly by grouping all the daffodils together.
Cathy Sharp’s program was “Container Gardening”. Why a container garden? Ask yourself if you have space for flower beds, if you rent, will you be moving, you can put pots anywhere and they can be moved to be seen better or into the sun/shade.
Plants are contained, can use almost any container, or any plant, easier to control weeds, harvest, or brought inside during the winter.
Containers need good drainage, like growbags, clay, ceramic, plastic pots, wooden boxes, barrels, baskets, anything you want. Plastic pots dry out slower than clay and can be left outside during winter. Drainage holes should be 1/4 inch in diameter or for larger pots larger holes, but this could allow the soil to drain thru.
Use a screen, coffee filters or rocks in the bottom of the pot to prevent leakage. If using a large container, use fillers to lighten the weight. Fillers like small, inverted pot, milk cartons, cans, bottles, or Styrofoam can be used.
Cathy had a plant lifter for heavier pots, or a two wheeled cart if you want to move your pot. Fruits and vegetables will need 6-8 hours of sunlight.
Containers dry out quicker, so do the 2” test to see if plants need water. There are self-watering systems including wicking and water cones and there are irrigation systems “RainBird” available. And the use of polymer gels (Polyacrylamide or PAM) to provide moisture.
Fertilizing, read the label. There are slow-release fertilizers, liquid fertilizers to use at least twice a month, or adding fish emulsion or compost.
Pests/Diseases, same as plants in your garden, controlled with sticky traps, water spray, insecticidal soap, horticultural oil.
Cathy keeps ivory soap and water for aphids. If squirrels, cats, or deer seem to move your pots around, push a landscaping anchor pin, or rod, or stick through the bottom of the pot, and into the ground, Enjoy.
Peggy Miller spoke on the succulent of the month – Kalanchoe. There are over 125 varieties and are native to Madagascar and Africa.
Most popular is the Kal-an-cho Blossfeldiana; because they have such bright colored flowers with big fleshy leaves with scalloped edges which hold moisture, making it drought tolerant.

They come in red, white, yellow, pink, and orange. They do not have a smell, but they bloom for 2-3 months straight.
Best grown in clay pots in bright indirect light, direct light can burn their leaves. Not enough indirect light can make the plant leggy or spindly. Set in the east or west window in the winter and a west or south window in the summer.
They grow best in cactus or succulent potting mix and water about every 10-14 days. Let water run out the bottom, don’t let them sit in water and dry out totally before you water again.
Overwatering leaves will get dark spots, and those leaves can be taken off. If not getting enough water leaves will look wilty and limp.
Can fertilize once a month, and once flowers are gone, cut off the spent ones to the next leaves. Can set outside in the summer with only morning sun.
Butterflies and bees are attracted to them. The plant can propagate by stem cuttings or leaf cuttings. In Chinese culture they are associated with good luck and prosperity.
After two very informative speakers, we enjoyed refreshments provided by Sandy Oberlin and Cam Miller with fellowship time. The next meeting of the Pulaski Garden Club is May 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pulaski Methodist Church.