ATHLETIC COMPLEX PLANS … Archbold Rotarians learned about the proposed Bluestreak Athletic Complex at its January 17 meeting. Doug Krauss (right) is the chairman of the committee that has spearheaded the planning and fundraising for the 45,000 square foot indoor complex, which is estimated to cost $5 million. Rotarian Bill Rufenacht arranged the program and is also helping the committee with fundraising. He explained that the facility will be entirely funded by private donations.
PRESS RELEASE – Construction of a 45,000 square foot indoor athletic complex to be built entirely by private donations is looking more and more likely, according to a presentation made to Archbold Rotarians by Archbold Area Schools Superintendent Jayson Selgo.
He explained that the need for practice space, events and other programming by junior high and high school athletic programs as well as some of the Archbold Parks and Rec department programs was pushing indoor school athletic space to its limits – and had been for some time.
However, he noted, that the school system had no money to build anything strictly for athletics. The district, he said, is already committed to academic priorities. But, he added that the district has space by the high school where such a facility could be built.
So about a year ago, a diverse group of coaches, school leaders and community residents began to meet to determine what could be done.
They met regularly to discuss school and community needs, looking at what was already in place and what else was needed.
The meetings involved all the groups that needed indoor space. Ultimately, plans for a Bluestreak Athletic Complex that could address the needs were developed.
Indoor space was planned that could be used by the school baseball and softball, track and field, cross country, football, soccer, wrestling and golf programs as well as by the marching band, physical education classes, elementary recess, youth athletics and parks and rec.
The plans include a 150 foot by 300 foot by 24 foot high facility or 45,000 square feet. Some 5,000 square feet will be used for a weight room.
A multi-purpose turfed floor (135 feet by 185 feet), batting cages, wrestling mats, golf simulator and more are also part of the facility.
Selgo explained that the space could be used by all students as well as the broader community. It would create space for training, practices and fitness programs year-round – regardless of weather conditions.
And, the weight room is large enough to provide safe conditioning with appropriate space barriers for weightlifting and the use of modern, safe equipment.
Best of all: The committee has already started working on the fundraising side of the project and according to committee chairman Doug Krauss and Bill Rufenacht, who is helping with the fundraising, amazing progress has already been made during the targeted donation drive.
In fact, the committee is well on its way toward the $2.5 million in pledges or donations that the Archbold School Board has said they need to raise before they can begin any construction on the school property.
They said the public fundraising component will begin by late January.
Selgo said a website will soon be launched that provides detailed plans for the complex, additional background and artist renderings as well as information about making donations to the project.