By: Shar Dimick
Wauseon City Council approved the Park Board’s recommendation to apply the cold mix process to the parking areas at Biddle Park at the May 16 meeting.
Councilor Scott Stiriz reported that the Park Board recommended applying the cold mix process to the parking areas in two phases to allow access to the park during the application process. The north parking areas will be completed in one phase followed by the south parking areas.
Mayor Kathy Huner said that the cold mix process was cheaper than asphalt and would serve the same purpose, which is to keep the dust down as people enter and exit the park.
In relation to the Park Board recommendation council also approved in a 6-0 vote the first reading of the resolution, which would allow Huner to enter a contract with Bruce Ernst Asphalt to apply the cold mix process to the designated parking areas and to begin with the area (north or south) that works best for the contractor. In a related measure, council also unanimously approved first reading of a resolution with Ersham Excavating for the excavation of the designated parking areas at the park. Council is scheduled to hear two more readings of both resolutions before the resolutions are in effect.
In other business council also approved the recommendation of the Tree Commission to host the 2021 Tree City Awards Program. Councilor Rick Frey also presented the Tree Commission report and stated that the Commission is looking into a new software program to inventory the tree in Wauseon. The last inventory is seven to eight years old. He also said they are in the process of applying for a grant through Project Learning Tree for $1000 to purchase ten trees that they hope to plan at Biddle Park. He said they will be working with the Park Board to designate where the trees could be planted at Biddle Park.
In other council business:
•David Wright, Regional Planning Director, reported that would like to include Clinton Street into the contract with Peterman Associates, Inc. to design ADA compliant ramps as part of the Downtown Revitalization Project. Council approved an emergency resolution to amend the contract in effect immediately. Wright also reported that 13 of the 15 grant applications for Downtown Revitalization Project funds have been processed of which nine are eligible for funds and four are on deck as backup in case one of the nine falls through.
•Keith Torbet, Police Chief reported that the Youth Police Academy and Safety City would be starting soon and that applications are available at the Police Department.
•Tom Hall, Code Administrator reported that mowing season is in full swing and reminded residents not to blow glass clippings into the streets.
•Dennis Richardson, Director of Public Service reported that the subcontractors for Linfoot St. project have been delayed slightly because of the wet weather. He also reported that he worked on the contract language regarding the sewer system for the new pool and bath house. In related business, council approved the second reading of the resolution authorizing the mayor to advertise for bids and enter into a contract with the lowest and best bidder to construct the new pool.
•Council held a public hearing and then approved the first reading of a resolution to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation to grant Sara’s Garden’s request to rezone the eight-foot strip of property that lies north of lots 13 through 17 in Palmer’s Addition from B4 Community Mixed Use District to R3 Single Family Residential District.
The next council meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 6 at 5:00 PM in council chambers.
Shar Dimick may be reached at