The school parking lot in Edon may go another year before it gets paved.
The Board of Education discussed the project at its meeting Jan. 10 and a consensus was hard to pin down. Board Vice President Cody Best was steadfastly opposed to any plan that did not have school pocket the needed money away first.
The district will rely on a funding stream called PI that brings in about $90,000 a year in two equal installments. The school could repave the parking lot this year, but that would mean having to use $159,000 from the general fund that would not be paid back.
The district would also use the PI money due this year.
A second option is to use the PI funds and advance the balance to repay the general fund.
Best did not like using money ahead of time and said he would vote against such plan. That’s key because Superintendent John Granger recommended the board be unanimous in its support.
Even with all the hand-wringing over how to pay for the project, Granger and Best were in agreement the lot will need to be redone in 10-13 years regardless of when it is repaved.
Granger said waiting another year would mean another $90,000, but there’s a risk prices will go up.
The board agreed to table the question until the February meeting.
In other news:
The board learned property valuation will rise 0.8 percent in 2017, ahead of next year’s adjustments.
Board members whose terms are expiring this year should be contact with the county Board of Elections.
High School Principal Anthony Stevens is completing his mid-year report on the school safety plan. At a recent fire drill teachers were able to synchronize their data on students by checking a list on their phones. The information was sent back to Stevens, he said.
Stevens will be applying for his superintendent’s license as he has completed his course work. He has until July to inform the board if he intends to remain at Edon.
The third grade classes scored a 686 average on a recent state test, with 700 being the goal.
The board will deal with several resignations at its February meeting, Granger said.
The district is already working on a plan to replace the retiring teachers, Granger said. The interview and selection process is probably the most important step, he said.
“It’s always good to have people who are willing to work past 3:30,” Granger said.
At the board’s organizational meeting, President Jamie Schaffter was reelected as president and Cody Best was chosen as vice president.
Board meetings will continue at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month except for June 27, July 18 and November (TBA).
Board members will be paid $40 a meeting.
James Pruitt may be reached at