RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY Those present at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Bays Golf Club on January 19 2024 were Dan Yahraus Bryan Chamber Director Chris Magers The Bays GC Hope Russell The Bays GC Martin Montalvo the Bays GC Ashley Epling WEDCO Director and Bryan City Mayor Carrie Schlade
By: Anna Wozniak
There’s a new place in town for those looking for something to do in Bryan. And at Bays Golf Club, there are a variety of things to do regardless of the weather outside.
That’s because Bays Golf Club has four bays wherein GC Hawk equipment runs Foresight software. At first glance, that may not seem all that interesting, but there is a lot to it.
Not only are there hundreds of virtual golf courses to play on, but there are also carnival games and soccer. The owners, Martin Montalvo, of Bryan, Hope Russell, a Fairview graduate, and Chris Magers, of Napoleon, came up with the idea after wanting to set up a personal version for fun.
After a lot of thought, they decided to invest in making their mutual interest a business that could see more than just occasional personal use.
The space has top of the line equipment, and the owners are hoping to construct a kitchen someday soon. Memberships are available, and they are open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. Friday and Saturday.
The business has a Facebook page and welcomes the community to check them out. Whether you’re a golf professional wanting a little indoor practice while the weather is bad, a family playing soccer together, or a young couple on a date playing carnival games, Bays Golf Club has something for everyone to do.