By: Jacob Kessler
The Archbold Board of Education held their meeting on Monday, August 14th. The meeting began at 4:30 p.m. with the board first moving to welcome new staff members to the school, including Dani Bly, Derric Martinez, and Karen Vonier.
Dani is joining the school as a part-time nurse, Derric is joining as a special education aide, and Karen is joining the High School Cafeteria.
Additional positions are still open and looking for someone to fill them with those positions, being one for a Middle School Playground Aide and Mental Health Counselor. Discussion then shifted to building facilities with the following topics being covered.
Gerken Paving was thanked for their work on the High School faculty parking lot. Delays continue to come in from the manufacturer for a new gym unit, but hope is that it will arrive soon.
The final section of the elementary roof replacement was completed this Summer by Bodec and Loop Asphalt completed crack filling and sealing of the area that have been replaced the past 4-5 years at AHS, as well as the AMS parking lot and cafeteria drive.
Maintenance staff has been working on updating two sets of restrooms in the high school main hallway, the security camera project is in the final stages for a total of ninety internal and external cameras, and a huge thank you was given to the summer maintenance staff and student workers for the tremendous job they have done getting the buildings ready for opening day.
Approval was then given for the June 19th regular meeting minutes, July 6th special meeting minutes, bus routes for the 2023-2024 school year, and the June and July financial reports.
Personnel recommendations were approved next along with a transfer of $13,000 from the Class of 2027 to the Class of 2029 for $4,434, the Class of 2030 for $4,434, and the Class of 2031 for $4,435.
Also approved was the annual report requirement to the purchase of Commercial Paper and Banker Acceptances, 2023-2024 agreement with the Wood County Juvenile Detention Center Juvenile Residential Center of Northwest Ohio, and a request to allow the Superintendent to solicit bids for a new ten passenger shuttle van.
The substitute teacher list for 2023-2024 was approved next before Skeat Hug was appointed as delegate, and Gina Benecke as alternate, for the 2023 OSBA Annual Business Meeting. The meeting was then adjourned for the evening.
Jacob can be reached at