BETTY AND BRUCE Formerly part of the family band The Ozarks Betty and Bruce Moses tour the Midwest as a duo enjoying their golden years together
By: Anna Wozniak
Pastor Mike Wilder was excited to welcome Betty and Bruce Moses to the Madison Church of God yet again at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14th.
It was discussed how they’ve visited the congregation a handful of times, with everyone excited to worship through Southern-style gospel music.
A few weeks into their tour, this gig sees the duo roughly half-way through their most recent stint, which usually consists of 150 gigs a year.
They began singing together in 1973, and started touring in 1980 as The Ozarks, in honor of their roots in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri.
At 82 and 85 years of age, they continue to perform with grace and gusto as attendees were excited to join along and raised their voices together in gospel praise.
Admission was a free-will donation, and there was an ice cream social after the singing.
The duo plays in casual settings, like town halls and churches, and loves to create an environment where everyone participates in praise and worship together.