By: Anna Wozniak
The First thing that the Bryan City Council did once called to order was carry a motion made to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2023 meeting.
During the hearing of public concerns, Steve Cox of Huntington Drive addressed council for clarification regarding two separate rumors he had heard regarding the maintenance of Huntington Drive.
One was that there was going to be new asphalt, and the other was that they were going to do a layer of chip and seal.
He was inquiring as to whether the residents of that street might obtain a maintenance schedule so that they may prepare for it, but he was informed that the planning for those types of projects doesn’t typically look further ahead than a year, with this year’s three projects already having been chosen.
The clerk treasurer’s report was accepted as presented by council before they suspended the rules and passed an ordinance approving a contract between the International Union of Police Associations and the Bryan City Police Dispatchers.
They then suspended the rules and passed ordinances that approved two donations for concerts to happen this year at the Fountain City Amphitheater.
The first was a $14,000 donation from Bard Manufacturing Company for the showing of the christian / country singer Mac Powell Concert, and the second was a $10,000 donation from Spangler Candy Company for the showing of pop / christian group Rockland Road.
The Mac Powell concert will be held on June 3, 2023, and the Rockland Road concert will be on June 24, 2023.
Both donations will be appropriated through the Parks and Recreation Department.
The Mayor then recommended two employees for a wage status review, and also introduced a recommendation that the Wage Committee meets to discuss the creation of different management bonus incentive parameters so that accomplishments and achievements of officials can be recorded and awarded.
Council then thanked Bard Manufacturing Company and Spangler Candy Company for their donations, congratulated the Bryan seniors on graduating, commended those involved with the union agreement, and spoke on this “wonderful, wonderful town” before adjourning the meeting.

Anna can be reached at