DONATION … Andy Farnham of the Edgerton Area Foundation left, presents a $1,359 check to Joe Bales, right, Speech and Debate Club Advisor. (PHOTO BY DAN COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The Edgerton School Board’s February 19 meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call. All five school board members, Bob Siebenaler, Bill Swank, Nick Hug, Lyn Bowsher and Amanda Giesige, were in attendance.
In the first order of business, the board approved the agenda for the February 19 meeting and approved the organizational and regular meeting from the January meeting.
Next, Andy Farnham from the Edgerton Area Foundation, presented a $1,359 check to Joe Bales, the speech and debate advisor.
Farnham also had a $2,500 check for the Edgerton Athletic Department.
Bales said that two students, Olivia Martinez, and Taylor Ditsch, are going to state in speech and debate.
Edgerton Police Chief Gary Plotts said that the DARE Program is back in the schools. Dana Phipps is running the program, which is in its third week and will continue for 10-12 weeks.
Plotts said that the program is also taking place at St. Mary’s.
Captain Matt Krill is the Edgerton Schools Resource Officer (SRO) and plans to retire at the end of 2023.
Krill will be training someone new for 2024. Plotts asked for a service agreement, in which Edgerton Schools would the village for the training.
The board said that they will talk about it and vote on it at the next meeting.
Plotts said that the police department is considering having a uniformed officer at Edgerton Schools.
The school board announced that Nick Hug has served on the school board for 10 years. He will be recognized at a meeting in Ottoville, next month.
School treasurer Bill Blakely then spoke. He said that overall, expenses are up, mainly because of a $200,000 capital outlay of a building project at the school.
Blakely stated that the food service fund has a cash balance of $70,000. Participation is at 52% and breakfast participation is eight percent.
Blakely also stated that income tax is strong, eight percent higher than last year. Also, the two-year audit update is close to being finished.
Next, the board approved of the treasurer’s five recommendations: the financial reports; the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission, authorizing necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor; the mid-year cost adjustments for the NWOESC; the initial estimates for the NWOESC and approved the records commission schedule and also records disposal, by the state auditor and Ohio History Connection State Archives.
Next, superintendent Kermit Riehle commended the second quarter honor roll students for grades 7-8, 9-12 and Edgerton students attending the Four County Career Center.
The board then approved of the following superintendent’s administrative recommendations: the 2022-23 membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association; the College Credit Plus contract with Lourdes University, effective August 2023 and exchange student Daniel Novak, from Slovakia, with host parents Cason and Sara Blalock.
That was followed by the board approving of the following superintendent’s personnel recommendations: the current NwOESC sub-lists for teachers and paraprofessionals; the transfer of Mandy Slabaugh from a first grade teacher to a Title I teacher for 2023-24; the supplemental contracts, volunteers and chaperones; Cameron Jordan, baseball junior varsity coach and Mike Caryer, softball junior varsity coach; Keith Merillat and Gary Gilliland, baseball volunteers and Kennedy Flower, softball volunteer; non-certified student employees Lauron Adkins and Kim Hissong; Gary Plotts, Jr. as a substitute bus driver; Cameron Jordan as a full-time substitute teacher; student Carter Herman, competing in the 60 meter hurdles and volunteer coach Jason Zumbaugh, for the state indoor meet at the Spire in Geneva; unpaid leave of absence for Karli Richmond, from January 23, 2023 through March 17, while completing student teaching within the school district and Jenni Heisler as a substitute teacher for the remainder of the school year, in advance of the March NwOESC stub-list.
In the superintendent’s report, student enrollment is holding steady. Also, regarding Title IX, Reihle said that the Ohio Department stands opposed to the national approval of recognizing gender identity.
In regards to the Staff PD Event from February 17, teachers prepped for the upcoming ACT test and staff talked about the S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, English, Art and Math.) They also discussed scheduling and curriculum.
Riehle then gave a press box update. Riehle met with Bell Engineering and discussed building a new press box.
Projections for the project is $856,000. That includes constructing two entrances, as the current one has just one entrance.
To help with the amount, there is $25,000 in the account, $5,000 in new donations, a $150,000 split with EAF’s $300,000 and $400,000 in the rainy day fund.
Riehle also stated that once the press box is complete, then they will look at improving batting cages and archery ranges.
As far as Annex Bathroom Renovations, Riehle said he is working with contractors to get a quote.
In looking at chillers and ice makers, Riehle said they are looking at the cost of repairs, versus replacements.
In FFA Chapter upcoming events, there is a community pancake breakfast on February 25 at 7 a.m., an annual recognition banquet at 6:30 p.m. and the FFA State Convention will be on May 4 and 5. Avery Perez has qualified for the state event.
In the elementary principal report, Brett Grieser reported that the DARE Program, currently for fifth and sixth graders, has returned. Also, students have been participating in native dwelling projects.
In the high school principal report, Ben Wilhelm said that teachers use small groups a lot and they are continuing to use Bulldog Friday greetings, as well as positive referrals.
The school board then moved into executive session.
Dan can be reached at