REUNION … The Edgerton High School Class of 1967 held their 55th Class Reunion on August 27,2022 at Jackie Blues in Bryan, Ohio. The evening was spent visiting and reminiscing. Plans are for another reunion to be held in five years. Back row Denny Nester, Jim Sechler, Greg Schott, Lee Wilson, Dave Peebles, Jim Stoll, Tom Fix, John Dietsch, Steve Koerner, Chuck Herman and Ed Kimpel. Front row Paul Gebhard, Saundra (Hendricks) Bandy,Hilda (Herman) Mc Cool, Vickie (Kurtz) Apt, Linda (Metz) Stayer, Kathy (Engler) Whitman, Shirley (Harvey) Ladd, Jim Sanders, Neal Hug and Mike Bowman.