By: T.J. Hug
The Village Reporter
The Kindergarten students of Edon Elementary showed off their singing and acting talents during a program put together by Music Teacher Cathy Frastaci on Thursday, March 19.
Prior to the show, the kids appeared a bit eager to begin, as several of them could be seen peeking from underneath the lowered curtain just before the program was to begin. Then, as the curtain rose, the youthful students took their places, ripe with anticipation. They began the performance with a Royal March serving as the introduction.
As the musical got underway, it became much more clear what the theme of the show was all about. Each song performed was dedicated to a particular animal, with the aforementioned Royal March originating from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens. Other tunes sung at the even include such childhood favorites as I Bought Me A Cat, Old Bald Eagle, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, We’re Going On A Bear Hunt!, Down By The Bay, The Farmer In The Dell, and Little Bunny Foo Foo.
Overall, the kids gave a spirited, heartfelt, and enthusiastic effort as they entertained all in attendance with both song and humor.
T.J. Hug can be reached at