Black Friday marked the one year anniversary of My Sister’s Attic which is located at 109 W. Main St. in Fayette. My Sister’s Attic is a consignment shop owned and operated by Nancy and Trent Lavinder.
“It’s amazing how many people don’t know what a consignment shop is,” said Nancy Lavinder. “I just forget sometimes because I’ve been doing it with the kid’s close since they were little.” For those of you in this boat, a consignment shop is a store in which customers can shop for clothes, jewelery, furniture, knick-knacks, and other things, but customers can also bring things in which the store owner will display. When the item is sold, the customer and the store owner split the profit (though, at My Sister’s Attic, if the piece is over $200 the split is 60/40 in favor of the client.
My Sister’s Attic stocks clothes, furniture, decorations, silverware, and many antiques and hand-crafted things (lots of nice old clocks available, grandfather and otherwise). “I’m pretty picky about the things we take,” Mrs. Lavinder said. “We don’t take stained clothes or anything that is too damaged, we have a workshop in the back, but if it is going to take a lot of work we usually don’t take it.” Prices are normally set by the store owners, but on expensive items, they will confer with the client and try to get the price they’re looking for.
My Sister’s Attic has actually thrived in the recession. “I think more people are going to shops like this now instead of getting new stuff,” Mrs. Lavinder said. And why wouldn’t they, especially when the store is currently offering 20% off and gift cards to their regular customers. There are no electronics or upholstered furniture, and they can’t take out of season clothes because there just isn’t room to store them, but if you’re looking for some clothes, a nice table or dresser, or just a nice picture frame or lamp for Christmas, look no further. There are no returns at My Sister’s Attic, but if you don’t like what you get, you can always bring it back and put it back on the shelves as a client rather than a customer.
There is a great selection at My Sister’s Attic, they’re open every day from 9a.m. to 5p.m. except Thursdays and Sundays, and it’s all at great prices so head on down and check it out for yourself. If you’ve got something you would like to sell, give the Attic a call at (419) 237-3129, or email them at My Sister’s Attic is definitely a great part of the Fayette community and we hope they get to celebrate many more anniversaries.