Led by Skills USA, Four County Career Center students united in a school-wide effort and collected personal care and toiletry items for the non-profit outreach “Together We Can Make A Difference.” The organization assists people of all ages in Northwest Ohio with basic needs and resources that are not available with any government assistance programs. Through their involvement, the students hope to make a positive change and give families in northwest Ohio a happier Christmas season. Shown above presenting the executive director, Kelli Burkhardt, with the collected items are (LEFT TO RIGHT) Kaitlyn Campbell, Law Enforcement & Security Tactics (Bryan); Bryan Garlock, Welding Fabrication (Stryker); Abigail Brink, Fire & Rescue (Montpelier); Burkhardt; MaKenzy Huffman-Bowers, Fire & Rescue (Bryan); and Caitlin Meade, Computer Networking & Repair (Hilltop). Skills USA Leadership Council and advisors, Bill Parsley, Social Studies instructor; and Krista Whetro, Cosmetology instructor; coordinated the event.
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