Open bids were heard at the Thursday, October 29, 2020 meeting of the Fulton County Commissioners for the CDBG Fiscal Year 19 Fayette and Lyons projects. More bids were received due to administrative error by Maumee Valley Planning Organization so those bids were also opened and added for review by MVPO.
In regular business, the commissioners voted to approve:
- Minutes of October 27, 2020, and agenda for present meeting
- Resolution 2020-755 Increase and transfer appropriations for various departments
- Resolution 756 approve 2021 Salary line adjustment for employee salaries, for distribution by each elected official and or department head as he or she may see appropriate for calendar year 2021. (Jeff Rupp proposed 2.5%, Bill Rufenacht said he is at 2%, Jon Rupp is ok with 2.5%. Upon calling the roll, the following vote was taken: Commissioners Jeff Rupp and Jon Rupp – Yes and Commissioner Bill Rufenacht – no. Motion passed)
- Resolution 757 Accept resignation of Danielle Miller from her position as Public Assistance Specialist for ABD/LTC and authorized to fill vacancy at Job and Family Services
- Resolution 758 Enter into contract with Village of Archbold on behalf of Senior Center for the rental of the Village’s “Scout Cabin” facilities for the Senior Citizen’s Satellite Center for 2021
- Resolution 759 Enter into Contract with Ryan Dunlap dba Here’s a Song on behalf of Fulton County Workforce Development, for a jingle
- Resolution 760 Purchase orders and travel requests
Approvals at the November 3, 2020, Thursday meeting of the Commissioners included:
- Minutes of October 29 meeting, agenda for present meeting and payment of bills
- Review of Month end financials and Month end Sales tax numbers
- Resolution 764 Increase and transfer appropriations for various departments
- Resolution 765 Change order #1 2020 Crack Seal program
- Resolution 766 Award bid for Fulton/Lucas Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project to L&T Painting, Inc. in amount of $419,900 as this bidder presented the lowest (base bid) and best bid for the project
- Resolution 767 Enter into contract with Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC)
- Resolution 768 Approve payment plan agreement for Northeast Water
- Resolution 769 Enter into contract with Delta United Methodist Church on behalf of Senior Center for the rental of the Church facilities for the Senior Citizen’s Satellite Center for 2021
- Resolution 770 Enter into contract with Fairlawn Haven, Inc. on behalf of Senior Center for same
- Resolution 771 Approve purchase orders and travel requests