By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Sportsman Club, located at 7700 County Road 14 just north of Wauseon, held their annual fundraiser dinner this past Friday. The event is held every year and helps to raise money for the group’s yearly operating expenses.
The dinner has been taking place on and off since 1939 and is looked forward to every year by the group’s members.
Visitors pay $25 and are treated to an all-you-can-eat-and-drink meal. Food types available include meatloaf, roast beef, venison meatballs, beaver, squirrel, goose, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, and four varieties of chili. A normal year sees anywhere from 225 to 275 people being served.
Additionally, multiple raffles and gun raffles are held along with other activities. Fulton County Sportsman Club President Greg Ruger explained that this event sees numerous individuals volunteer their time to put it all together.
“Everyone here is a volunteer and helps run this. We have volunteers from Ducks Unlimited of Fulton County, Hoppin’ N’ Trottin’ 4-H Club out of Swanton, former game wardens Robert Wolfrum and Josh Zientek, Senior Center cook Kyle Wilcoxon and others.”
Ruger also explained that the event for them is more than just one night. “It’s not just a one-night event. It’s a year-long thing for us. We are always looking for stuff to do. The most exciting time is the Saturday morning after cleanup.”
“That’s when we start planning for the next one. For tonight though, it’s always nice to see a big crowd. I am very appreciative to see people spending their hard-earned money on our cause.”