At its September meeting, the Four County ADAMhs Board approved a $310,000 one year continuation contract with Health Partners of Western Ohio to provide primary healthcare and pharmacy services. The contract is now saving the board about $50,000 a month in medication costs.
Since Health Partners, a federally qualified health clinic, opened a physician practice and pharmacy in Maumee Valley Guidance Center’s office in Defiance and Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio’s office in Bryan earlier this year, it has provided physical health services to more than 600 clients served by ADAMhs Board funded agencies.
ADAMhs Board CEO Les McCaslin explained many of the clients served by agencies funded by the board do not have a regular primary care doctor to manage their overall health, so last year the board contracted with Health Partners of Lima to establish a physician’s office and pharmacy at two agency sites. The initial, start-up contract totaled $670,000 to provide suitable office space and resources to hire a fulltime primary care doctor, a pharmacist, two nurse practitioners and support staff.
“The contract is yielding greater savings more quickly than I had anticipated,” McCaslin told the board. “By using Health Partners’ pharmacy for psychiatric medications instead of the state’s central pharmacy, our savings on medications will pay for this year’s contract in about six months.”
Not only is the contract saving taxpayer dollars, the overall health of ADAMhs-funded clients is better, McCaslin explained. Physical health issues such as diabetes and heart risk factors such as cholesterol and hypertension are now being monitored and treated before serious complications occur or re-occur.
McCaslin also reported that another change taken by the board last year is realizing significant savings. A contract with the Fulton County Health Center to use the Stress Unit for short-term crisis stabilization will save at least $500,000 this year.
Other action taken by the board, includes:
•A $30,000 contract with ProMedica Defiance Regional Hospital to provide inpatient psychiatric services during the current fiscal year.
•A $75,000 increase in Maumee Valley Guidance Center’s contract with the board.
•A $48,163 increase in Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio’s contract with the board as a result of gambling prevention and treatment funding that has been received from the Ohio Department of Mental Health Services and Addictions. This money must be spent on gambling-related prevention and treatment services.
•A $90,000 contract with Quadco Rehabilitation Center for Title XX money that has been received by the board to be used for vocational and employment services.
•A $5,000 reimbursement to the Henry County Health Department, representing the board’s share of the cost of the recent Henry County health needs assessment.
•A $500 expenditure to Family Services of Northwest Ohio to support costs associated with the “One Step At A Time” 5K run/walk for teen suicide awareness and prevention.
The board also approved a resolution accepting the Four County Budget Commission’s determination of the need for two, 7/10ths of one mill property taxes to support the ADAMhs Board and its services. One of the 7/10ths mill property taxes is on the November ballot as a renewal levy.
Three new board members were introduced. Margie Rinkel of rural Bryan and retired treasurer of Edgerton Local Schools was appointed to a four year term by the Williams County commissioners. Two of the new members were appointed by the Ohio Department of Mental Health Services and Addictions. Sherri Hammersmith of Defiance was appointed to a four year term and former ADAMhs Board member Sandi Weirauch of Napoleon was appointed to fill a vacancy expiring at the end of June 2016.