A community honor roll board bearing the names of 150 persons in the armed services during World War II was dedicated at Pioneer. The dedication program included a parade, band concert, and an address by J.D. Driskill of Waldron, Mich. The honor roll was erected by community churches and organizations. Reporting on the Honor Roll dedication, the Tri-State Alliance newspaper of Pioneer stated, “There are but few that do not have a son, daughter, brother, husband or other relative that is now in War Service. It is but a small tribute that we can offer. Any effort—any sacrifice we can offer here at home is but small recompense for what they are enduring. Whatever we can do will never be enough.” This vintage image of the Pioneer World War II Honor Roll is from the 1978 History of Williams County published by the Williams County Historical Society. Do you have a historic Williams County photo you would like to share? Email: publisher@thevillagereporter.com.
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