Four hundred forty-five seniors were awarded certificates along with other student achievements and Career Passports marking the end of their career and technical training during Four County Career Center’s 46th annual Recognition Day Ceremony with over 1,800 parents and guests in attendance.
Career and Technical Education Director Rick Bachman was Presiding Chairman of the ceremonies. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jared Sanchez (Ayersville) Law Enforcement & Security Tactics, accompanied by the Armed Services Recruiters and seniors enlisted in the armed services. Superintendent Tim Meister introduced Board of Education members. Rebecca Addington (Archbold) Early Childhood Education, Chloe Gebers (Fairview) Veterinarian Assistant, and Grace Norden (Napoleon) Veterinarian Assistant, announced the community service achievements. Guest speakers for the Recognition Day Ceremony were senior students Jai-Lynn McBride (Napoleon) Commercial Art, and Reiley Smith (Holgate) Medical Office Technologies.
Forty-eight students were named Outstanding Seniors for exemplary performance in their career and technical and academic programs and presented with award plaques by their department supervisors. Awards and scholarship monies of over $650,000 to be used to further students’ education at community colleges and universities were also awarded during the ceremony.
Students receiving awards from Williams county included (FRONT – LEFT TO RIGHT) Kelsie Bartley (Edgerton) Interior Design; Shayla Coffman (Hilltop) Sports Fitness & Exercise Science; Samantha Burdine (Hilltop) Law Enforcement & Security Tactics; Naomi Diaz (Stryker) Interior Design; Kelsey Frederick (Bryan) Early Childhood Education; Tiffany Baird (Bryan) Health Careers; (BACK – LEFT TO RIGHT) Alex Munger (North Central) Powersport Engine Technology; Brooke Vollmer (Bryan) Health Careers; Nicholas Maxson (North Central) Automotive Technologies; Jesse Branham (Edgerton) Diesel Mechanics; and Kelby Grime (Hilltop) Electrical. Absent was Tristen Slicker (Bryan) Accounting & Business Management.