By: Rebecca Miller
Metamora Village Council heard from Scott Butterworth, a representative of the H2Ohio Program as District Manager with Division of Wildlife Department of Natural Resources, at the Monday night, March 1, 2021 Council meeting. Mr. Butterworth had asked to address the council with a proposal.
A few years ago, a group came up with the idea for some “in stream fish habitat enhancements, stream bank stabilization where needed and stream-side tree/vegetation plantings,” according to Watershed Coordinator of Partners for Clean Streams, Amanda Kovach, who had presented this to Metamora Council about a year ago.
She had asked if she could pursue it, but Metamora Clerk Sue Clendenin did not hear anything further after her presentation to council.
Apparently the project, which would be a section of Ten Mile Creek, got passed on to the H2Ohio Program and Butterworth presented it on Monday, to ask if Metamora would pursue submitting this proposed project. If they choose to do so, then H2Ohio would fund the project.
The village would have to put it out for bids, be in charge of all the hiring of a manager and the payment of the money to the contractors.
Clendenin mentioned at the meeting that it would be nice if they could roll it into 2022 so they wouldn’t have to amend the budget for 2021. Following his presentation of what is now called the “Metamora Reservoir Restoration Design Concept Plan,”
Butterworth asked them to consider it and get back to him. Council agreed to do so. He also assured them that he would be there to help them create a scope of work. “It would be a commitment on the part of the village to help DNR get the project implemented,” he said.
Mayor Richard Sauerlender proposed that they pass it on to Lands and Buildings Committee to discuss it and get back to them with a recommendation. Council agreed.
In regular business, Council voted to approve Minutes for the February 22, 2021 meeting, the reading and payment of the bills and Resolution #1048 to approve the Solid Waste Management Plan Update for the Joint Solid Waste Management District of Defiance, Fulton, Paulding and Williams Counties, Ohio.
In old business, Council was informed that the Solar Bee Maintenance reports have been received and both appear to be in good condition. Tom Carr is scheduled to mow the park again this year as a volunteer.
The Newsletter is ready to go and Brush Pick up is scheduled for April 4. If anyone has brush that came down due to the storms they can go ahead and put it out by the street and it will be picked up before April.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30.
Rebecca can be reached at