PHONE & PA UPGRADES … Board members discussed the potential new PA System and Phone System at their meeting on Tuesday evening. Costs were presented as a concern, however upon further discussion, the safety issue that both systems cause led the board to their decision to approve the needed upgrades
By: Jenna Frisby
Montpelier School Board of Education met in the school auditeria on Tuesday, June 25th for their regular meeting.
In attendance were: CFO/Treasurer Carla Rice, Superintendent Jamie Grime, board members Dunne Gambler, Nate Rose, Jennifer Schlosser, Patti Rockey and Troy Roth, as well as Jennifer Fitzcharles and Michelle Kannel.
The meeting was called to order by Rose at 5:30pm. Rice ran roll call which was followed by a moment of silence and then the pledge of allegiance led by Rose.
Grime then asked if there were any public comments to be brought before the board. As there were none, the meeting moved on to a legislative report which was given by Rockey.
She informed the board of House Bill 445 which amends code sections in regard to district policies for released time for religious purposes. This bill is still in early stages so the board will continue to watch its progression.
Rice then gave the treasurer’s report followed by the meeting minutes from the board’s May 14, 2024 meeting. Rockey made a motion to approve those minutes as presented which was second by Gambler. No apposing votes were made in regard to the approval.
Financial reports were then presented by Rice as follows:
-Recommend approval of the financial reports for the month of May, 2024 as presented. Bank -Reconciliation, Cash Summary Report, Distribution Report, Budget Vs. Actual Report, and Investment Report.
-Recommended to accept the following donations:
– $500 from Civic League to JH Student Council
– $500 from Civic League to Honor Society
– $200 from Civic League to Accelerated Reader-Media Center
– $1,500 from Honor Kent Wolff to Dog Fund
– $255.76 from Academic Boosters to Music Fun Night
– $500 from Wieland Chase to Skilled Trades
– $900 from Thiel Construction to Skilled Trades
– $2,300 from Athletic Boosters to Boys Basketball
– $750 from American Red Cross to FY24 Scholarship Fund
– $150 from American Legion to Band
– $2,000 from Winzeler Stamping to Dwyer Scholarship
– Recommend approval for increases/decreases to Appropriations and to approve adjustments to the Amended Certificate as presented.
– Recommend approval of the updated Appropriation Recap Report for final appropriations for the FY24.
– Recommend approval of the Advance to the Cafeteria fund in the amount of $32,137.45 approved by Resolution 91-23 to become a permanent Transfer of Funds from the General Fund to the Cafeteria fund.
Approval was motioned by Schlosser and seconded by Roth with the rest of the board agreeing. A motion was then made by Gambler to approve the temporary appropriations for FY25 in the total amount of $17,230,746.45 for all funds. That motion was seconded by Rose and the rest of the board agreed.
Grime then presented the board with the following employment recommendations for certified staff.
– Move Noelle Chester to Master’s Degree, Stacey Brown to Masters+24, and Elishah Siegel to Masters+12 for the 24-25 school year.
– To employ Michaela Michael as a Speech and language Pathologist on a 2-year administrative contract at $63,000 and 195 days for the 24-25 school year.
– To employ Jennifer Fitzcharles, Assistant Social Worker, on a 2-year administrative contract at $50,000 for 195 days for the 24-25 school year.
– To accept the resignation of Kyle McCarley, HS Math, at end of the 23-24 school year
– To employ Joseph Blake as a 6th Grade math teacher at Master’s and step 4 on a 1-year contract 24-25 school year.
– To approve supplemental contract for Joseph Brigle as Concession Stand Manager at $4,500 for the 24-25 school year.
Recommendations were approved with a motion made by Roth, seconded by Rose, and the rest of the board agreeing.
Grime then presented the board with the following employment recommendations for classified staff.
– To add Elaine Woodward to the substitute custodian list for the 23-24 and 24-25 school years.
– To employ Paul Frisby as summer custodian for the 23-24 school year, step 1 Custodian II salary schedule, effective May 24, 2024 through August 9, 2024.
– To approve supplemental contracts for Alexis Marihugh – Fall Cheer Co Head Coach and Stephanie Mills – Fall Cheer Co Head Coach, Wendy Chamberlain – Junior High Volleyball, and Michael Raine – Co Vocal Music, pending documents are complete for the 24-25 school year.
– To approve Michael Frisby, Custodian II, and unpaid medical leave beginning May 31, 2024 with health insurance until June 30, 2024.
Recommendations were approved with a motion made by Roth, seconded by Rose, and the rest of the board agreeing.
Grime then moved on to discussing purchases and service contracts to be approved. Those being:
– FY25 NWOCA Membership Fees of $37,834.70.
– Technical Services Agreement with Northern Buckeye Education Council for FY25.
– PA System upgrade in the PK-12 school with Torrence Sound at the cost of $59,306 to be paid from the Permanent Improvement funds.
– An upgrade to the telephone system in the PK-12 school with northern Buckeye Education Council at the cost of $21,868.25 to be paid from the Permanent Improvement fund and an annual maintenance fee of $28,075.20 for five years to be paid from the General Fund.
Recommendations were approved with a motion made by Rose, seconded by Roth, and the rest of the board agreeing.
Grime then presented the board with other business to approve including:
– To approve the cell phone/uniform stipends for the 24-25 school year.
– $35/month cell phone stipend-superintendent, assistant superintendent, treasurer, assistant treasurer, athletic director, maintenance director, custodian I as assigned, transportation supervisor and bus mechanic.
– $20/month cell phone stipend-high school principal, elementary principal, high school assistant principal, technology director, school social worker and assistant social worker.
– $400/yr uniform stipend-maintenance director, bus mechanic, school nurse, transportation supervisor, custodian I and custodian II.
– To adopt a resolution seeking a waiver from the Ohio Department of Education requirements to implement a Career-Technical Expansion (CTE) program for students enrolled in grades 7-8 for the 24-25 school year.
– To approve the Speech and Language Pathologist job description.
– To approve the Assistant School Social Worker job description.
– To approve the disposal and or possible sale of 50 old Chromebooks at $15 each and 6 old laptops at $25 each. These are to be offered to the public at open house. Any not sold will be recycled.
Recommendations were approved with a motion made by Gambler, seconded by Rose, and the rest of the board agreeing.
With no other business to discuss the board motioned to move into executive session to discuss Personal Employment at 6:07pm. No action was expected to be taken.
The boards next meeting is scheduled for July 9th but has been postponed at this time pending an agenda.