The Swanton Village Council held their meeting on Monday, February 28th at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order followed by a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council first moved to approve the agenda as presented followed a discussion for executive session. Council next moved to approve the minutes from the February 14th council meeting and February 22nd Special Committee of the Whole meeting.
Committee reports were then given before council moved to hear matters of legislation with the following ordinances being approved.
The Second Reading for an Ordinance declaring the necessity to assess all properties in the Village of Swanton, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code section 727.01 Et seq. For the cost of leaf collection, approving plans, establishing tentative assessments, and methods of payment.
The Second Reading for an Ordinance declaring the necessity to assess all properties in the Village of Swanton, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code section 727.01 Et seq. For the cost of street lighting, approving plans, establishing tentative assessments and methods of payment.
An Emergency Ordinance appointing a Village Solicitor and authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an agreement were then approved followed by the First Reading of an Ordinance approving a zoning classification amendment.
Council then heard a report from the Mayor and Village Administrator before moving to adjourn for the evening.