FAITH RESTORED The Village of West Unity is proud to have these girls as a part of their community and pictured here are Chief JR Jones far left and Mayor Don Leu far right with Aubree Miklovic Kendal Jones and Aria Miklovic
By: Anna Wozniak
Sisters Aubree Miklovic and Aria Miklovic and friend Kendal Jones were helping Mrs. Miklovic dog-sit for her mother and decided to take the pooch out for some fresh air.
The trio made their way towards the Methodist church and stumbled upon quite the find. A $100 bill was in the grass by the corner, right in front of the church sign!
The girls immediately went to Mayor Leu’s house to turn in the money, and called the police when they found that he wasn’t home.
They turned the money into the village, even though the police told them that there had been no money reported missing.
What the girls didn’t know was that about three weeks before their walk, some money owed to the church for a fundraiser was being delivered.
The resident was quite shocked to find their pockets empty upon entering the church. About a month after that, the church reported the money as missing.
Chief Jones shared that about 2/3 of the money has been recovered, and that there is potential that another 1/3 has yet to be found, but that it is more likely that it was either lost in the weather or found by a less honest person than Kendal Jones, Aria Miklovic, and Aubree Miklovic proved themselves to be.