•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•Ditto St. @ Walnut St., Traffic Detail
•N. Defiance St. @ Murbach St., Traffic Detail
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Detail
•200-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•204 S. Defiance St., Domestic Trouble
•1200-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•405 E. Lutz Rd., Civil Problem
•200 W. Williams St., Unit 000, Suspicious Vehicle
•1200-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Detail
•600 Park St., Unit 36, Man with a Knife
•600 Park St. Unit 36, Welfare Check
•1613 S. Defiance St., Traffic Detail
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•701 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 107, Welfare Check
•100-B Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•600-B S. Clydes Way, Traffic Detail
•200-B N. Clydes Way, Traffic Offense / Speed
•600 E. Beech St., Unlock Vehicle
•1200-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Detail
•1100-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•1613 S. Defiance St., Traffic Detail
•600 Park St. Unit 21, Suspicious Activity
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•414 Park St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•600 Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•700 W. Lutz Rd., Animal Call
•N. Defiance St. @ Norfolk Southern RR, Traffic Detail
•100-B N. Defiance St., Disabled Vehicle
•Clydes Way @ W. Barre Rd., Traffic Offense / Citation
•Christine Dr. @ W. Holland St., Community Service
•S. Defiance St. @ South St., Found Property
•400 Primrose Ln., Fraud
•100-B Pin Oak Pl, Parking Violations
•901 W. Barre Rd., Unlock Vehicle
•N. Defiance St. @ Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•506 Walnut St., Animal Call
•E. Beech St. @ S. Defiance St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•Nolan Pkwy @ Weires Dr., Traffic Offense / Speed
•100-B S. Clydes Way, Traffic Offense / Speed
•600-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•213 Nolan Pkwy, Unlock Vehicle
•102-B S. Defiance St., Accident (Property Damage)
•1935 S. Defiance St., Theft
•Christine Dr. @ Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Speed (2)
•407 S. Lincoln St., Assist Police Unit
•200-B Nolan Pkwy, Traffic Detail
•300-B Nolan Pkwy, Traffic Offense / Speed
•205 Brussell St., Threats or Harassment
•200-B Walnut St., Traffic Detail
•400-B Walnut St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•200-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Citation
•S. Defiance St. @ Hawthorn Dr., Traffic Offense / Speed
•1500 S. Defiance St., Disabled Vehicle
•N. Defiance St. @ Norfolk Southern RR, Suspicious Person
•800 Stryker St. Unit A, Parking Violations
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•1800-B S. Defiance St., Disabled Vehicle
•600 Park St. Unit 22, Warrant
•856 Brush Creek Dr., Unlock Vehicle
•1200 Stryker St., Larceny
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•200-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Citation
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Speed
•200-B Walnut St., Traffic Detail
•2001 S. Defiance St. Unit 27, Suspicious Vehicle
•1200 Stryker St., Parking Violations
•103 N. Defiance St., Sex Offense
•1613 S. Defiance St., Traffic Detail
•Skate Park. Suspicious auto. Persons were advised of the park hours.
•Circle K. Assist civilian.
•State Route 15 North. Auto violation. Unable to locate vehicle.
•GenFed. Suspicious person. Report of a male behind their building and they are not open yet.
•Burger King. Suspicious person. Report of person laying in the grass by Burger King. Everything was fine, she was waiting for someone to pick her up.
•Townline Rd / Greystone. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•320 N Lynn St. Harassment. Request to speak with officer; spoke with both parties and gave advice.
•Evansport Rd / Union St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Town & Country. Shoplifting. Report of shoplifter; no report taken.
•Burger King. Assist civilian. Request to check on person; medics came, have person.
•334 N Walnut St. Assist civilian. Request officer to speak with the nephew of the upstairs neighbor; he has asked for drugs repeatedly and has propositioned him; officer gave advice.
•300 E Bryan St block. Juvenile complaint Report of juveniles in the roadway; unable to locate.
•Bryan Police Department. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; gave advice.
•Get n Go Mart. Non-injury accident.
•Wilson St / Auburn Ln. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•419 Fairview Dr. Assist civilian. Request officer for keep the peace.
•Cherry St / Wilson St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; display of plates.
•322 N Lynn St. Assist civilian. Report of a juvenile driving a vehicle; unable to locate.
•920 N Main St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Bryan Community Apartments. Traffic stop. Warning issued; disobey traffic control device.
•High St / Myers St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Williams County Annex. Lockout.
•Walmart. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•100 W High St. Parking violation.
•Pierce St / Walnut St. Assist civilian. Report of domestic altercation.
•High St / Beech. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•300 S Main St block. Traffic stop. Citation issued; operating on expired registration, driving under suspension.
•Main St / Perry St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; two headlights required.
•300 E Wilson St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; two headlights required.
•121 S Lebanon St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer.
•Fabricare Car Wash. Larceny. Report of a missing wallet; complainant not at car wash.
•800 E Trevitt St. Assist civilian.
•Phil’s One Stop Marathon. Assist civilian.
•Phil’s One Stop Marathon. Assist civilian.
•Stockman Lawn Service. Suspicious person.
•711 W High St. Narcotics. Report of narcotics odor.
•706 Circle Dr. Mischief. Report of mischief; report taken.
•Bryan Community Apartments. Lifting assistance; patient in care of Williams County EMS.
•300 Center St. Hazardous condition. Debris in roadway.
•635 S Main St. Asssit civilian. Request officer for keep the peace.
•Sanctuary of Williams County. Assist civilian. Report of woman loaning her van to her daughter and she has not returned it.
•Meadow Creek Apartments. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•221 E Mulberry St. Request officer; gave advice.
•Fresnius Medical Center. Suspicious auto. Report of a vehicle in the roadway on Blakeslee Ave.
•Bryan Police Department. Narcotics. Needle found on the sidewalk.
•Tractor Supply Center. Lockout.
•900 S Main St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; tail gaiting.
•100 N Walnut St block. Traffic stop. citation issued; stop sign.
•Taco Bell. Auto violation. Unable to locate vehicle.
•Wilson St / Allen St. Traffic stop.
•1125 E Wilson St. Dog complaint. Barking dog.
•Auto Zone. Traffic stop. Warning issued; improper turn.
•600 S Union St block. Assist civilian.
•Isaac Property. Assist civilian. Unable to locate vehicle.
•Bryan Police Department. Harassment. Report of harassment.
•Bryan Police Department. Harassment. Report of harassment.
•200 N Union St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; rear red reflectors.
•Titan Tire. Traffic stop. Warning issued; weaving, left of center.
•1000 Center St block. Juvenile complaint.
•Wilson St / Main St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; unsafe vehicle.
•200 E Trevitt St block. Warrant. Report taken for warrant.
•345 Center St. Dog complaints. Report of animal abuse; the incident was referred to the Dog Warden.
•1105 E Wilson St. Violate TPO / CPO. Report of a person that refuses to leave; report taken.
•302 Center St. Lockout.
•323 S Walnut St. Assist other department. EMS requested assistance.
•524 S Main St. Child abuse/neglect. Report of child neglect.
•Plaza Motel. Assist civilian.
•Bryan Main Stop. Traffic stop. Citation issued; driving under suspension and speed, vehicle legally parked at Bryan Main Stop.
•Union St / High St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; driving on expired registration; citation issued; driving under suspension.
•Allen St / Woodward Ave. Traffic stop. Warning issued; sound amplification.
•869 E High St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; two headlights required.
•Nostrum Laboratory Inc. Suspicious auto. Report of a motor home in front of the loading docks.
•823 N Main St. Missing person. Report of missing child; report taken.
•225 S Williams St. Assist civilian. Request well-being check.
•1129 Bellaire Ave. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•412 S Portland St. Assist civilian. Report a car alarm is going off in the carport repeatedly.
•217 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•A&W/KFC. Suspicious auto.
Amtrak station. Suicide. Williams County Communications Agency request officer assistance.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank. Assist civilian. Report of person stranded at the bank.
•726 S Lynn St. Assault. Report of assault; report taken.
•Meadow Creek Apartments. Assault. Report of assault; report taken.
•300 S Walnut St. Assist civilian. Report of a person slumped over the steering wheel.
•200 S Cherry St. Traffic stop. Report taken.
•Union Trailer Court. Assist civilian.
•Plaza Senior Center. Harassment. Report of telecommunication harassment.
•200 E Trevitt St. Traffic stop. Investigative stop.
•Bryan Police Department. Assist civilian. Request to speak with an officer.
•429 S Main St. Assist civilian. Request officer; gave advice.
•1127 Markey Dr. Assist civilian. Request to speak with an officer; referred to other department.
•CVS. Suspicious auto.
•934 W High St. Assist other department. Report of electrical fire in the basement.
•Union St / High St. Auto theft. Williams County Sheriff Office request an officer to attempt contact with the owner.
•316 E Perry St. Junk vehicle. Report taken.
•401 S Beech St. Junk vehicle
•726 S Lynn St. Warrant. Report taken.
•808 S Walnut St. 911 hang-up.
•Skate Park. Fire in a trash can.
•509 E Butler St. Warrant. Warrant check; unable to locate.
•Roseland Shelter. Traffic stop. Citation issued; seat belt, warning issued; sound amplification.
•Walnut St / Perry St. Hazardous condition. Officer with a bike with no lights.
•615 E Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with an officer; gave advice.
•Eagles Lodge. Juvenile complaint. Request to speak to an officer regarding a juvenile complaint; report taken.
•414 E Perry St. 911 hang-up.
Bryan Air Service. Non-injury accident.
•619 S Myers St. 911 hang-up.
•402 N Walnut St. Larceny. Report of stolen items; gave advice.
•138 S Lebanon St. 911 hang-up.
•419 Fairview Dr. Assist civilian. Request to speak with an officer regarding child custody issue; gave advice to contact a lawyer.
•715 E Bryan St. Disturb peace. Request unit; everything is ok.
•Dairy Queen. Suspicious person. Report of a suspicious person going through garbage.
•John’s Donut St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Lebanon St / High St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Center Ridge Rd / Taylor Rd. Traffic stop. Warning issued; lighted lights.
•Main St / Maple St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; stop bar.
•Arby’s. Traffic stop. Warning issued; expired registration.
•901 E Perry St. 911 hang-up.
•South St / Potter Inc. Traffic stop. Warning issued; registration light.
200 W Bryan St block. Suspicious person. Unable to locate.
•Goodwill. Suspicious person. Report of suspicious person; unable to locate.
•400 S Main St bock. Assist civilian. Request officer regarding the person in the empty lot next door.
Power Train Components. Lockout.
•900 W High St. Non-injury accident.
•509 E Perry St. Non-injury accident.
•Shell Spee-D-Mart. Failure to pay. Report taken.
•Wal-Mart. Dog complaint. Report of a dog left in a silver Ford truck in row 9.
•Wal-Mart. Disturb peace. Report of a possible verbal altercation. Everything is fine; persons have left the store.
•924 Mayer St. Non-injury accident.
•700 E Bryan St. Hazardous condition. Report of a red pickup truck parked in the roadway; unable to locate vehicle.
•Fountain Grove Rd / County Road 13. Non-injury accident.
•Potter Inc warehouse. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Wal-Mart. Shoplifting. Report of shoplifting.
•Wal-Mart. Shoplifting. Report of shoplifting; report taken.
•409 E Trevitt St. Disturb peace. Noise complaint; officer advises that he did not hear any noise.
•Arrested Brandin McClaine, age 21, of 7735 Rosedale Rd., Hicksville, Ohio for Driving Under Suspension. He was released.
•Arrested Christopher Watson, age 40, of 307 N. Pleasant St., Montpelier, for Disorderly Conduct Persisting, Open Container, and Criminal Damaging. He was taken to CCNO.
•1285 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 51, Junk / Abandoned Vehicle
•230 Clinton St., Larceny
•1015 W. Leggett St., Fire
•1170 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 1, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person (2)
•1495 N. Shoop Ave., Alarm Drop
•1120 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 46, Welfare Check
•320 Sycamore St., Accident (Property Damage)
•335 Royal Bounty Ln., Family Trouble
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Accident (Property Damage)
•337 S. Shoop Ave., Larceny
•Cedar St. @ E. Walnut St., Fireworks
•230 Clinton St., Larceny
•616 E. Chestnut St., Suspicious Activity
•252 W. Chestnut St., Threats / Harassment
•1285 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 82, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•682 E. Elm St., Junk / Abandoned Vehicle
•288 E. Linfoot St., Welfare Check
•453 E. Elm St., Larceny
•840 N. Shoop Ave., Accident (Property Damage)
•1120 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 8, Investigate Complaint
•230 Clinton St., Narcotics
•15207 Union Cemetery, Suspicious Activity
•738 Fairway Dr. Unit 14, Suspicious Person
•404 N. Brunell St., Larceny
•402 N. Brunell St., Open Door
•00 W. Leggett St., Juveniles
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 1000, Narcotics
•208 Madison St., Welfare Check
•E. Oak St. @ Howard St., Found Heart Bracelet
•140 N. Maplewood St., Welfare Check
•423 Mattera Dr., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•720 N. Shoop Ave., Suspicious Vehicle
•242 Monroe St., Run Away or Unruly
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Animal Call
•1265 N. Shoop Ave., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•230 Clinton St., Civil Matter
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 1000, Accident (Property Damage)
•N. Shoop Ave. @ Airport Hwy., Accident (Property Damage)
•277 Enterprise Ave., Alarm Drop
•00 W. Leggett St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•317 N. Fulton St., Accident (Property Damage)
•840 E. Elm St. Unit 1008, Welfare Check
•W. Linfoot St. @ N. Ottokee St., Juveniles
•650 Lawrence Ave. Unit 103, Welfare Check
•Traffic Crash, Improper Starting-Backing / Citation
•Agency Assist
•Telecommunications Harassment
•Animal Complaint
•Medical Emergency
•Unsecure Premises
•Well-Being Check

•Medical Emergency
•Medical Emergency (2)
•Animal Complaint (2)
•Well-Being Check
•Suspicious Vehicle
•Animal Complaint
•Unsecure Premises
•Disabled Vehicle
•Keep the Peace
•Speed / Warning
•Animal Complaint
The following individuals were sentenced in Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
•Jennifer Howe, 46, of Defiance, Ohio, previously pled no contest, and was found guilty of Aggravated Possession of Drugs. She possessed Methamphetamine. Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Ms. Howe to 2 years of community control and ordered her to pay prosecution costs, stay out of bars / taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, abide by an 11:00pm to 5am curfew, provide proof of high school equivalency,successfully complete the Henry County Drug Court Program, successfully complete treatment with Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio, and any recommended aftercare, obtain a valid driver’s license, including proof of financial responsibility, and serve 2 days in CCNO, with credit for days already served.

Failure to comply could result in Ms. Howe spending 10 months in prison.
•Indiola Howell, 31, of Toledo, Ohio, previously pleaded guilty to Failure to Comply With Order or Signal of a Police Officer. She failed to stop her vehicle after police activated their lights and sirens, causing a substantial risk of serious physical harm to persons or property. Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Ms. Howell to 3 years of community control and ordered her to pay prosecution costs, maintain her current regimen of prescribed medication, within one week of release from CCNO to contact mental Health treatment provider and comply with any recommended treatment, and serve 11 months in CCNO, with credit for 218 days already served.
Failure to comply could result in Ms. Howell spending 30 months in prison.
•Jeremy Contreras, 47, of Morenci, MI, previously pleaded guilty to Receiving Stolen Property. He did receive, retain, or dispose of a credit card, while knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that said card had been obtained through the commission of a theft offense.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Contreras to 11 months in prison, and ordered him to pay prosecution cost.
Williams County Prosecutor Katherine J. Zartman recently reported the following cases from the criminal document in the Williams County Common Pleas Court:
•July 21, 2020 – John S. Shadley, age 49, of Belle Center, Ohio was sentenced on the charge of theft from a person in a protected class, a third-degree felony. He was sentenced to four years of community control, a suspended term of 180 days in the Correction Center of Northwest Ohio, and a fine of $2500.
•July 29, 2020 – Brice J. Fisher, age 27, of Williams County, was sentenced on the charge of pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor, a fourth-degree felony. He was sentenced to five years of community control, a term 180 days in the Correction Center of Northwest Ohio (165 days suspended) and a fine of $1000.
•August 4, 2020 – Matthew H.T. Davis, age 30, of Elwood, Indiana was sentenced on the charge of grand theft, a fourth-degree felony. He was sentenced to a term of 16 months of incarceration to be served at the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
•Edinger, Caysee J (Bryan, OH) Theft. Fine: $500. Costs: $132. Jail time: 180 days. Jail to start when arrived at CCNO.
•Leu, Terry W Jr (Montpelier, OH) Domestic violence. Fine: $300. Costs: $208.75. Jail time: 180 days with 120 days suspended. Defendant must clear license, must obtain G.E.D., not have a checking account , may apply for driving privileges after 1st day from offense date, vehicle shall be forfeited, shall have no future violations within the next 3 years, must complete Williams County batterers program, must complete Defiance County batterers program, not to have threatening or violent contact with victim.
•Lewis, Christopher (Defiance, OH) Possession. Fine: $150. Costs: $40.
•Rober, Brandon J (Bryan, OH) Drug paraphernalia. Fine: $150. Costs: $85. Operator’s license suspended until 2/4/2021. Possession. Fine: $150. Costs: $40. Operator’s license suspended until 2/4/2021.
•Roberts, Christopher (Bryan, OH) Dog at large. Fine: $100. Costs: $104.51. Restitution $120.00 by 09/11/2020 to prosecutor, dog to be in a kennel when outside, kennel to be set up within 3 weeks. Failure to file registration. Fine: $100. Costs: $40.
•Stites, Dylon (Defiance, OH) Theft. Fine: $750. Costs: $119. Jail time: 180 days with 165 days suspended. No future violations within next 5 years, restitution $369.47, no contact with Walmart.
•Watson, Christopher A (Montpelier, OH) Open container in motor vehicle. Fine: $50. Costs: $79.
•Watson, Christopher A (Montpelier, OH) Criminal damages. Fine: $250. Costs: $90. Jail time: 30 days with 30 days suspended. No future violations within next 2 years, restitution to be paid to Montpelier Police Department.
•Barnard, Megan M (Bryan, OH) OVI. Fine: $650. Costs: $90. Jail time: 20 days with 14 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 7/3/2021, must complete 1st Timers Retreat within 90 days, shall have no future violations within the next 2 years.
•Bible, James A (Montpelier, OH) Marked lanes. Fine: $65. Costs: $85.
•Bible, James A (Montpelier, OH) Marked lanes. Fine: $65. Costs: $85.
•Bolaney, Thomas A (Stryker, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Garcia, Amanda R (Bryan, OH) Violation of restriction. Fine: $250. Costs: $90. Jail time: 30 days with 30 days suspended. No future violations within next 2 years.
•Hoffman, Terry L (Bryan, OH) Junk vehicles. Fine: $50. Costs: $79.
•Lantz, Paige E (Fayette, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Lewis, Christopher (Defiance, OH) OVI. Fine: $750. Costs: $101. Jail time: 40 days with 30 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 5/29/2022, must complete Recovery Services Of Northwest Ohio, Inc. Program, shall have no future violations within the next 2 years.
•Mount, Melissa C (Wauseon, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Oskey, Craig R (Bryan, OH) FRA suspension. Fine: $300. Costs: $79. Operator’s license suspended until 11/7/2020.
•Rieman, Stephen R Sr (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Rober, Brandon J (Bryan, OH) Driving under suspension. Fine: $300. Costs: $85. Operator’s license suspended until 11/6/2020.
•Tate, Raymond I (Fayette, OH) Speed. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Vaughn, Robert R (Pioneer, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Williams, Carl E Jr (Bryan, OH) Unoperative vehicle. Fine: $96. Costs: $79.
•Wilson, Darin K (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Wyse, Sean R (West Unity, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank vs Elston, Brian K (Montpelier, OH) Judgment amount: $931.60.
•Fountain City Veterinary Hospital vs Hughes, Melissa (Pioneer, OH) Judgment amount: $260.06.
•Fountain City Veterinary Hospital vs Wood, Michael (Bryan, OH) Judgement amount: $196.16.
•Fulton County Health Center vs Campbell, Jason & Jaime (Stryker, OH) Judgment amount: $ 1,920.19.
•Fulton County Health Center vs Courtaway, Dawn (West Unity, OH) Judgment amount: $225.28.
•Fulton County Health Center vs Haas, Race A (Bryan, OH) Judgement amount: $439.70.
•Fulton County Health Center vs Hobbs, Michaela (Montpelier, OH) Judgment amount: $379.95.
•Fulton County Health Center vs Zuver, Dawn M & Douglas H (West Unity, OH) Judgment amount: $3,848.44.
•Saneholtz-McKarns Inc vs ServiceMaster by Custom Cleaners (Bryan, OH) Judgment amount: $1,698.89.
•Thompson Funeral Home vs Schikora, Jay (Montpelier, OH) Judgment amount: $1,721.25.
•Thompson Funeral Home vs Woods, Donald (Montpelier, OH) Judgment amount: $1,398.43.
•Wonderly, Christopher Jon (Montpelier, OH) vs Miller, Shawna Marie (Montpelier, OH) Judgment amount: $350.00.
•Glass, Emily S (Delta, OH) Speed. Fine: $37. Costs: $85.
•Grime, Luke R (Wauseon, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Kovar, Adam R (Delta, OH) Failure to file report. Fine: $150. Costs: $85. Failure to control. Fine: $120. Costs: $56.
•Whitmill, David E (Wauseon, OH) Failure to yield right of way. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Silveous, Tyler P (Wauseon, OH) Disorderly conduct. Fine: $75. Costs: $83.
•Keller, Lisa & David (Metamora, OH) vs Kendrick, Keith (Swanton, OH) Judgement amount: $2,100.00.