By: Rebecca Miller
In a continued Hearing for Ditch #710, known as the Timmerman Ditch, at the Williams County Commissioners Thursday, November 5, 2020 meeting, issues continued to be raised and addressed. Present by phone or on zoom, along with the Commissioners Lew Hilkert and Brian Davis, were County Drainage Engineer Brian Fritsch, John Shaffer representing WNO Farms, LLC, Darrell Huard, County Engineer Todd Roth, and Joe Slicker, all who spoke at some point during the discussion.
Concerns were raised by Slicker that what the commissioners are approving will not be enough to stop the rain water from flooding the streets of Bona Vista. Roth agreed that it might not take care of everything but explained that there is no way they could put in a tile big enough to take care of it all.
“This is physically what we are able to do based on crossing over existing utilities such as sanitary sewers….We have gone through this numerous times over numerous years, and this is the route that we have come up with based on what is physically out there. We all know that this is not the ultimate fix, but if we don’t start here you will go nowhere,” was part of what Roth said. He encouraged the commissioners that this is the best thing at this point.
Slicker restated that he just didn’t want the residents of Bona Vesta to think that once this is done, it will be all clear from water flooding through the streets anymore. Commissioner Lew Hilkert clarified, “One thing we know is this is the first phase of probably a three phase project if it does not alleviate a lot of the situation.”
He also pointed out that as they have grant funding at this point in time, they should go ahead with Phase 1, adding again that they understand there is still going to be surface water coming through the development, but hopefully a lot less.
The session ended with a motion “to place newly constructed tile under permanent county maintenance and maintained as part if the 636 Pulaski Township watershed” was passed. Also passed was a motion to “move this project from it’s continuation status to construction with a cap of not to exceed $400,000 in the scope and detail as outlined in this report.”
In Regular business, the Commissioners approved:
- Resolution 321 Supplemental Appropriations on behalf of Auditor’s office in the amount of $51,262.72; Commissioners – IT Dept. $300; Common Please Court $.01 and $72.57; Department of Aging $50; Engineer’s Office $290, and $1000; Hillside Country Living $325 and $71.20; Veterans Services Revised Account description
- Resolution 322 Accepting and Awarding Bid in regards to Project #7-2020
- Resolution 323 Accepting and Awarding Bid in Regards to Project #8-2020
- Resolution 324 Entering into a Revolving loan fund contract and loan agreement – Axis LED Group, LLC.
- Resolution 325 Entering into an Asbestos Inspection Contract
- Resolution 326 Approving funding award on behalf of WC Dept. of Aging
- Resolution 327 Accepting and Awarding bid in regards to WC Health Department ADA Sidewalk and Ramp project
- Resolution 328 Entering into an Agreement with Harris Local Government
- Also Signed Change Order #2 – 2020 Norlick Drive – Norlick Place Subdivision; Special Halling Permits #20-050-055 on behalf of Millers Brothers Construction, Inc.; Letter to Motorola Solutions, Inc. – authorization to place order for Radio Communication Equipment; Resolutions from Joint Board of Commissioners of Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams Counties; Credit Card Appropriation – Engineer’s office; RLF Loan Job Certification – Jason Dietsch Collission and Custom; Dog Warden Weekly Report for October 26 – November 1, 2020; Dog Warden Monthly Report for October 2020
- Minutes for Nov. 2, and payment of bills
- Resolution 329 Authorizing the President of the Board to apply for, accept and enter into agreement with Ohio Water Development Authority for the Kunkle Sewer Project. (Davis clarified that they were doing some documentation on this date to facilitate it for the Engineer’s office in order to meet a timeline required by the EPA and OWDA for grant funding for the project.)
- Resolution 330 Entering into an agreement on behalf of Common Please Court – Probate and Juvenile Division
Commissioner Davis informed Commissioner Hilkert that he had a scheduled informational meeting at 1:00 with a Motorola representative and asked if Hilkert wanted to attend. Hilkert said he would if his schedule allowed. Davis said that they might have an incentive to purchase before the end of the month.
In another session of the Thursday meeting, the commissioners met with Ohio State University Extension office in regards to the 2021 budget, with Stephanie Karhoff and Stacey Perry present by Zoom. Karhoff went over the expenses for 2020 on which they based the 2021 budget.
The levy income is $292,159 and covers expenses for salaries and benefits, $-H and Ag & Natural Resources Programs, as well as office supplies, equipment, IT support, facility rental, travel and professional development and training. She explained that the carryover for 2020 was 36% and they expect it to be 29% for 2021, which covers about five months out of the calendar year.
They mentioned to the Board that they will need to put a Renewal Levy of .4, with no increase, on the ballot in the Fall of 2021.
Rebecca can be reached at