In celebration of the chapter’s 100th anniversary, Montpelier #270, Women of the Moose, held an open house at the lodge Sunday, Feb. 19th with all co-workers of the chapter invited and visitors welcomed from several area chapters. In honor of the occasion, Montpelier Mayor Steve Yagelski presented a special proclamation commemorating the institution of the chapter on Feb. 13th, 1917. The chapter currently has a membership of over 700. During the past century the chapter has consistently supported the local lodge and raised funds for many donations to help Mooseheart “The Child City” near Chicago, IL and Moosehaven “City of Contentment” for senior Moose members at Orange Park, FL, and local community service projects. Shown with Mayor Yagelski, center, are from left to right current chapter officers, Melinda Evers, secretary-treasurer; Bonnie Gonzales, Green Cap junior graduate regent; Kara Custer, acting senior regent; and Rey McKinney, recorder. The chapter’s regular meetings are first and third Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at the lodge family center, corner of Airport Road and St. Rt. 107.
Many chapter and lodge members attended the 100th anniversary celebration for Montpelier #270, Women of the Moose, Sunday, Feb. 19th open house. Pictured here, from left to right, are current and past state and international officers of the Women of the Moose present for the occasion: standing, Ohio Deputy Grand Regent Dorie Howdieshell, Greenville; Past Deputy Grand Regent Jill Clark, Kenton; Past Deputy Grand Regent Rey McKinney, Montpelier, (currently serving as recorder); and seated, Past Grand Regent Karol Smith, Findlay; and Past Grand Council Member Joyce Schelling, Montpelier, (currently serving as community service chairman). Chapter memorabilia including photos, scrapbooks and various awards for membership, charitable donations and ritual team competition were on display. A light lunch was served with sandwiches, potato salad, relishes, chips, punch and special decorated cake and cupcakes.