The annual “under the lights” games for the Midget Football teams took place at Harmon Field in Wauseon. The idea of the event is to give the 5th and 6th teams an opportunity to see what playing under the lights is like. The Red, Black, White and Grey teams took part.
Between the two games, Midget Football honored the local veterans. Spotlighted during the celebration was the World War II veterans who have grandsons that are playing in the program this season. Included in the list were: Juan G. Rodriguez, Floyd Christopher Leady, Frank Gonzales, Cloyce Leatherman and Carl Hoeffel. Rodriguez was the sole living veteran of that group. Rodriguez served in the Army as a Staff Sergeant. He is the Grandfather of coach Jalen Brimmer. Cloyce Leatherman and Carl Hoeffel both served in the Army. Leatherman served from 1942-46 and Hoeffle served from 1939-46. They are the Great-Grandfathers of player Jack Leatherman.
The Wauseon White beat the Black team 26-24 while the Red beat the Grey 14-6.
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