By: Bill O’Connell
During a teleconference meeting held on April 6, 2020 the Delta Village Council unanimously passed Emergency Resolutuion 20-10, temporarily closing Delta Community Park to all sporting and recreational activities.
The Resolution read, in part, “The COVID 19 Pandemic impacting the United States of America requires the Village of Delta to take proactive and preventative measures from spreading the deadly virus through residents of this community and others that may participate in activities allowed within the Delta Community Park.”
“Local health officials indicate there is a strong likelihood the COVID 19 virus will remain a threat through the majority of the 2020 summer months. The Delta Community Parks shall be closed to all sporting and recreational activities that would attract or cause individuals to assemble creating an environment conducive to spreading the deadly COVID 19 virus.”
The parks may reopen but only after Village Administrator Brad Peebles, in consultation with Mayor Bob Gilbert and Village Council President Frank Wilton along with the Fulton County Health Department and other agencies, determine the threat of the COVID 19 pandemic has subsided.
Adding more detail to the Resolution was head of the Safety Committee, Chad Johnson. “It goes without saying at this point that we should all be familiar with the concept of social distancing and be implementing it into our lives daily,” he cautioned.
“I would like to take this opportunity to notify those that may not be aware that the parks are under limitation. The parks themselves are still open but, due to the Stay-at-Home Order and personal space guideline, all the playground equipment is off limits. The police department has done their part to wrap the equipment with caution tape as a reminder not to use it.”
Mr. Johnson also said that recreational sports such as softball, basketball and tennis have been on ongoing issue and would not go unnoticed. Consequently, the tennis nets and basketball hoops have been removed from the park.
“The Village Safety Committee still urges everyone to keep a safe distance from others in the community if you decide to leave your home,” he added. “Continuing safety throughout the community is an absolute must. I encourage eveyone to understand that protecting others is just as important as protecting yourself.
If we continue to work together we can get through this pandemic and get back to enjoying all the amneities our Village has to offer.”
In further discussion on the Resolution, Mr. Peebles explained how the Delta Community Pool was affected. “The Health Department will not be sending out the licensing for the pool until such time as they are comfortable that the pandemic has subsided to a pointwhere its not going to be a threat to the general public,” he said.
At a minimum everything would be affected until at least May 1, but a mid summer time frame is more probable.
In other legislation, Resolution 20-08, authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts awarded in 2020 was approved Purchasing road salt from ODOT rather than Fulton County will save the Village $40 per ton.
Also passing was Resolution 20-09, authorizing the Village Administator to enter into agreement with the law firm of Bricker & Eckler LLP to serve as bond counsel required for the bond financing with the United States Government Department of Agriculture to complete the Fernwood Street Utility Restoration.
Mr. Peebles reported that his office is anticipating the State of Ohio to extend the Stay-at-Home Order. He will be working with department heads to reopen departments that were closed and is working on a schedule to have individuals separated as much as possible.
A recent flier forwarded to resients announcing the Civic Alert program contained the wrong website link to sign up. The correct information has been placed on the Village’s website and Facebook page.
For the month of March, customers of Village water will receive an invoice for the base monthly charges of $48.12. Meters will not be read. April invoices will reflect the total water usage for two months.
The next meeting will take place April 20, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. and will be held by teleconference.
Bill can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com