Bryan City Council met by Zoom for the November 2, 2020 Council meeting, with President John Betts leading. Minutes for the previous meeting were approved along with Ordinance 49 for the transfer of funds for the month of November. With no public concerns to be addressed, council moved on to passage of other items of business, which included:
- Ordinance 50 providing for the Annual appropriations for the City of Bryan, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020 and declaring an emergency (Betts thanked Laura Rode for staying on top of this)
- Ordinance 51 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to approve a purchase order to Best Equipment for the purchase of an Envirosight Rovver x Mainline Inspection System for the city of Bryan Engineering Department through the state of Ohio Procurement State Term Schedules (STS) Purchasing Program Pursuant to the ORC at a total cost of $63,012, hereby waiving the Competitive bidding process prescribed by Ohio Revised code. (Brian Wieland explained the need for a new camera) Council suspended and approved. (President Betts gave “Tip of the Hat to ART for being available.)
- Work permit for Planning and Zoning (Wieland explained it is for a second story remodel at 106108 Lynn St.)
- Permission to test the Police ( Civil service tests needed and requested by Police Chief. When asked if he is posting for the Captain’s position, he said as it was not on the agenda, they will ask later.)
Comments given:
- Tyson Engstrom thanked Matt Neff and Bryan HS. Class who painted the Jack o lantern on the snow plow for Halloween event.
- Ben Dominique, Parks director, thanked all who helped with the Halloween event. It went really well and once they got started the flow of traffic was smooth. They learned that the idea of prepackaging the candy was a good idea, so they might do that from now on and when they get to the ice rink they would get a bag and then they could go play games, when the city gets to go back to their day at the ice rink. Without Cindy Rau, the Parks Dept. Secretary, could not have done it. Went through roughly 600 bags of treats. She had 1000 bags ready. The rest were donated to Eastland Baptist Church and the PreSchool students. Also thanked Nate Gardner and BMU for their $4000 donation to replace trees, giving back to the community in that way.
– Pres. John Betts thanked Ben and everyone for help with Halloween. Ben said the idea was that something is better than nothing, and it was different, but it was fun for the kids.
- Rest of council members encouraged everyone to get out and vote and thanked everyone who helped with Halloween.
Mayor Carrie Schlade agreed with them saying that helping the kids have something normal to make them happy was the most important thing. She commented on how doing things for the community such as the Amphitheater event and the Halloween event are helpful, adding, “As the numbers for COVID are going up in Williams County and the Governor has asked the mayors to step up even more and help their communities keep safe, I encourage all community members to wear masks when in public, correctly over your nose and mouth. I know it is politically charged, but please wear a mask.”
John Betts also encouraged people to wear their masks correctly. “Wear it, wear it appropriately, and wear it whenever you are around others.” He offered “Congratulations to S&S Boring who are scheduled to have new facility Open House on Thursday, November 5, for their expansion.
Thanks to Eric’s Ice Cream who will be making expansions, and to Mr. King for his expansion. We appreciate their willingness to invest in Bryan.” He also mentioned the Christmas Light donations for the Chamber of Commerce and stated his appreciation for all the volunteers who help.
He ended by saying, “Thanks to all the candidates for running in the election. It shows that people in this area have a lot of hope and passion for their communities.”
Rebecca can be reached at