Four County Career Center students, headed by the Skills USA Leadership team, united in a school-wide effort and collected over 22,000 servings of non-perishable food items for the “Food for Friends” food drive. All career & technical programs at the Career Center participated in the “Don’t Act Like Shrek…Donate to End Hunger” campaign. Through their involvement, the students hope that families in northwest Ohio will have a happier Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Shown above with the collected items ready for the Heavenly Angels Pantry, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Defiance, Food Distribution Center of Fulton County, and Edon United Methodist Church are Skills USA Leadership team members (LEFT TO RIGHT) Levi Sudholtz (Fairview) Auto Collision Repair; Austin Tomaszewski (Bryan) Specialized Mechatronics & Robotics Technologies; Sam Wilburn (Pettisville) Automotive Technologies; Audrey Johnsonbaug (Hicksville) Auto Collision Repair; Conor Brown (Bryan) Welding Fabrication; Kaley Webster (Delta) Cosmetology; Olivia Philpot (Napoleon) Cosmetology; and Bailey Click (Napoleon) Fire & Rescue.