President Homer Hendricks called the January 11, 2021 Organizational meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. He was nominated and elected to fill the position again. Vice President elected is Anthony Burnett.
The schedule of meetings for 2021 was adopted with time, dates and location set for regular meetings. They chose to continue on Tuesdays at 6:30 on the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise noted.
The regular business meeting for Monday, January 18, 2021 at 6:30 will begin that schedule, with the rest being held on Tuesdays – February 16, March 16, April 20 (7:00 p.m.), May 18, June 29 (due to appropriations), July 27 (for possible hiring), August 10 (week early for before school business), September 14, October 19, November 16, and December 14 (early for Christmas break). They accepted appointments to committees for the year and voted to approve the resolution allowing all the regular yearly authorizations, which were read aloud by President Hendricks, a. through r. Dr. Rozevink agreed to be Superintendent ProTem again.
The Board then held a discussion to review questionnaire results and data. Superintendent Bill Hanak shared the results with the board in a couple different formats, with 74 paper copies and 49 electronic returns. 64.7 % responders were related to someone who attends NC schools; 33% chose earned income tax levy,
Emergency levy was 26.5%, 22.7% wanted PI, 17.7% chose none of the above; 75% feel the schools are fiscally responsible; 79.6% support the athletics; insights for improvement question received some answers and the board was given those.
Hanak asked what they want to do concerning this and the Board thanked the community for taking time to respond to the six questions on the survey and give them some information in order to make an informed decision on a possible levy being put on the May ballot. Also expressed was thanks for the great job that the teachers and staff are doing.
Board members: Shane Martin mentioned that the levy to get the most approval on the questionnaire was the Earned Income Tax levy and he agrees with that assessment.
Leigh Boothman clarified again that everything for the Football Program is paid for by the Football Boosters. She also recommended a possible mailing for everyone with the football and levy info, as some people don’t follow electronic information.
It was agreed that they need a group of concerned citizens, volunteers, to help them go door to door to make sure everyone knows about the need for the levy. No action was taken at that time.
The regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 18, at 6:30 p.m.