By: Tim Kays
The news is known across Northwest Ohio, but for those that may not know, Ethan Pontious, Landon Rodriguez and Christopher Moor were injured in a single car rollover accident just south of Montpelier on February 19.
Ethan and Landon were ejected from the vehicle and airlifted to Fort Wayne.
“Both of Ethan’s legs sustained multiple breaks,” said Kimberly Friend. “His lungs are badly bruised. He has a broken nose, and he has suffered a brain injury.”
“By the grace of God, he is alive and breathing. Rose (his mother) is a single mom who is employed at 20/20 in Montpelier, and I am reaching out to our small town (with friends and family far and wide) to ask for a helping hand.”
Friend continued, “Ethan is a three-sport athlete – football, wrestling and baseball – who has contributed to the Montpelier athletic programs for many years, in addition to excelling in his academic career.”
“It will be at least four weeks before he is able to return home, and at that time, he will require a lot of personal care. I would like to head up a donation request for…
•Gas cards for his Mom to get back and forth to Fort Wayne for hospital visits, rehab and doctor appointments.
•Restaurant gift cards the family can use while staying or commuting.
•Money or Visa gift cards towards medical co-pays, bills and expenses related to his care.
Life Flight alone is a huge expense, and coupled with the numerous surgeries and physical therapy he will need and the time Rose will need to take off work to help Ethan, it will add up. I’ve seen the amazing things this community can do.
Please help Ethan out. He has a LONG road ahead of him.”
Donations can be made in person with Kim, with Sally at Fackler Monument in Montpelier, or at the Montpelier Chamber of Commerce. There is also a Facebook fundraiser underway at
On the evening of February 22, Kim gave an update, saying, “I can tell you the Ethan had surgery today. He will have another surgery on Wednesday or Thursday.”
“We will know at that point what his rehabilitation will look like and how long he may be in a inpatient rehabilitation center before he can come home. I’m sure the medicines they have him on is helping a little bit with his pain, but he is in pain right now.”
“The community has been amazing and incredibly supportive,” Friend added, “…and his family is grateful for the support that they are receiving. I have had gift cards donated, funds donated, and I have one in the works for a ramp to be built for the house to make it wheelchair accessible.”
“Financial donations are being given, and those that are requested to be for certain expenses (for Ethan, for medical bills, gas, food, utilities, rents and for their discretion) have been earmarked as such.”
“I would like to look into a wheelchair, shower chair and a couple other items that will come in handy when he is able to return home. It is going to be a very long road.”
“I am not as close with the other two boys’ families, but hope that others reach out to those families as well. I do have names and addresses for the parents if anyone would like to donate to them, and I hope they will. Those boys, all three of them, clearly have a greater purpose.”
“In my opinion, God and a guardian angel wrapped their arms around each of them, kept them safe and made sure they received help quickly. I believe that whole heartedly.”
“Just keep the prayers coming; he needs all that he can get.”
Tim can be reached at