The Legislative Report given to the Montpelier School Board, at the May 11, 2021, meeting included the information that on April 21, 2021, Legislators in the Ohio House of Representatives passed Substitute House Bill 110 by a voted of 70-27.
“The bill, that was amended through an extensive committee process included many education related changes, the largest change being the inclusion of HB1, the Fair School Funding Plan. However, the House Finance Committee did modify parts of the FSFP that was included in the biennial budget.
The modifications include establishing a phase-in amount for the plan’s increases at 16.67% for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 and 33.33% for FY2023; setting a different phase-in for the increase in funding for disadvantaged pupil impact aid (DPIA) at 0% for FY2022 and 14% for FY2023; moving Student Wellness and Success Funds to be applied to DPIA and the base cost; and establishing a temporary guarantee to ensure a school district’s funding for FY2022 and FY2023 is at least the funding received in FY2021 for the Foundation program and Student Wellness and Success Funds combined.”
In his report, Elementary Principal Lance Thorp shared the following:
Successful events since the last board meeting:
-The major building focus for the last month was state testing. All makeups that needed to take place have been wrapped up and elementary testing is completely done at this point.
-The Fourth grade recorder recital took place the week of April 19.
-Upcoming activities include:
-This week is Right to Read Week. Mrs. MC is our coordinator. There are daily spirit themes planned, daily trivia read over the announcements, many lessons have been provided to use in the classroom, themed related arts classes on Wednesday at the rec center, the rotunda is decorated to encourage classes to come down to read, and there are some classes visiting HS classes for lessons on robots.
-Academic boosters have scheduled a Walk A Thon event on Monday, May 17. We will be sending different grades over to the track throughout the day. Each group will walk for 1 hour.
-Fifth grade DARE graduation and band performance will take place on Tuesday, May 18.
-A number of our grades will be taking their students to the park over the last few days of school.
-Our end of the year Loco Leaders assemblies are scheduled on May 20 and May 24.
-Grade cards will be sent home on Monday, May 24.
-Students will bring home all of their school supplies, books, and personal items on Monday, May 24.
-Tuesday, May 25 is the last student day and it will be spent at the football field for students in grades kindergarten – 4. 5 and 6 grade students will be spending their field day at the Roller Skate Center in West Unity.
-The last teacher work day will be on Wednesday, May 26. We have meetings scheduled throughout the day along with a retirement luncheon to honor a few of our staff members that are retiring.
-End of the 2020-2021 year planning along with beginning of the year 2021-2022 planning will continue to take place the rest of the year and into the summer.
JH/HS Principal Sue Thorp reported:
Student Achievement: May is a very busy time of the year, and I am grateful for our teachers, coaches, staff and parents that are a part of making these events such a success. Thank you.
– The Spring HS Choir and Band Concert was held on Sunday May 2. As well as the JH Band and 6 grade Choir Concert. It was nice to see families in the building to see both performances.
-Held the Senior Scholarship Banquet May 3rd. Acknowledged outstanding seniors, and was able to give out, in local money totally, $122,700.00, plus, at least $500,00.00 of College/University money reported that was given out.
I am sure this is the most I have seen go to a senior class since I have been in this position. A special thanks to Mrs. Tami Richmond and Mrs. Stephanie Friend for helping put on such a great event.
-Congratulations to our varsity baseball team for being named BBC Champions for the third year in a row.
-Saturday the 8 was the Lamberson Track Invite. Lots of PRs and accomplishments from our students.
-Part of our Robotics team participated in this year’s National Robotic Competition on Saturday in Marion, Ohio.
-Prom was held over this past weekend here at the school. It was a dinner and dance followed by a post-prom event that took place at Superior. A beautiful time was had by all in attendance. A special thanks to all the junior parents and junior advisor Mrs. Allison Damron.
Coming up:
-Wednesday, May 12, HS and JH Awards will take place in the gym. Both events will be live streamed on the School’s YouTube channel. 9:00 AM HS and 12:45 PM for the JH students.
-On May 14 E3 will be hosting the Senior Signing Day in the morning at Superior and the Student Council will host the annual Mini-Relay for Life at the track in the afternoon.
Money raised at the Relay will go to the American Cancer Society.
-May 20 a Blood Drive will be hosted at the Rec Center from 10-4.
-Baccalaureate will be held Wednesday May 19 at 7:00 in the auditeria.
-There are 68 members of the Class of 2021 that are currently on track for Graduation. Lyndsi Engels will be valedictorian and Braydon JoHantgen will be the salutatorian.
-Graduation Rehearsal May 28 at the Football field at 10 AM. Seniors will be served a pizza for lunch and pictures will be taken that day for purchase.
-Graduation will be held May 30 at 2:00 PM at the Football Field followed with an escorted parade though town and ending at the Fairgrounds.
-The Senior Trip this year will be held on June 1 and 2. To start the trip the group will be headed to Cleveland to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, followed by a late lunch.
Before heading to a Cleveland Indians game that evening the group will be checking in to a very Historical, downtown Hotel. After spending the night in Cleveland, the group will be heading to Sandusky to Cedar Point on Wednesday for the day.
The Treasurer’s report which included a Five Year Forecast, the minutes from the April 13 meeting and Financial Reports were all approved along with the Principal’s reports. Donations accepted were $25 from Owen’s Elective to the Maintenance Departmenand and $1000 from Cascade Engineering to Robotics.
Some changes were made in certificated staff and all were approved as well as non renewal of all certificated supplemental contracts effective at the end of the 20-21 school year.
Concerning Classified Staff they voted to non renew all classified supplemental contracts effective at the end of 20-21 school year, also, as this is a common yearly practice.
The Board voted to approve the Blanket Student Accident Insurance program through Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Co. for 20-21; to advertise for a price quote for milk purchases for the cafeteria for 21-22 school year; and to approved the continued agreement with the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 21-22 school year.
In other business, the board voted to approve:
-Participation in Title programs and the federal meal and milk program for 21-22
-K-6 grade fees at $35 per grade
-JH/HS fees depending on workbooks
-List of Graduates for Class of 21
-Montpelier Athletic Department 21-22 Ticket Pass prices and Athletic Worker rates
-Athletic handbook
-JH/SH Coaches Rules
-Drug Testing Policy
-Elementary school Student/Parent Handbook
-HS music trip to Chicago on March 10-12, 2022
-Senior Clss trip to Cleveland and Cedar Point on June 1 and 2, 2021
-NWOESC substitute teacher list for 21-22